Banks and brokers send letter to Arthur Lira asking “urgent” for regulation of cryptocurrencies

A letter from banks and brokers to the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), calls for the regulation of cryptocurrencies to be urgently approved in the plenary, after which it will be sent for presidential sanction.

The letter was signed by brokers in Brazil belonging to ABCripto and released this Wednesday (9).

During the Criptorama event, which began last Tuesday (8), the CEO of Mercado Bitcoin emphasized that the regulation of cryptocurrencies is important and the alignment with banks is important for the industry.

“The crypto market still has a lot of people to reach and the advent of traditional banks is fueling this growth. It is essential for large companies to adhere to cryptocurrencies so that everyone understands the market opportunities.”

What does the letter asking Arthur Lira to regulate cryptocurrencies say?

In Brazil, bill 4.401/2021 is a topic that sparks Brazilians’ interest in the cryptocurrency market.

With the aim of regulating the companies in the market, placing an agency of the federal government with the responsibility of inspecting the sector, the project is viewed with good eyes by many companies.

Thus reads the letter entitled “Cryptoeconomics Regulatory Framework Will Benefit Over 6 Million Brazilian Investorsaddressed to Arthur Lira, requesting approval of the rules as soon as possible.

O live coins had access to the content sent to the President of the Chamber of Deputies signed by Abranet, ABCripto, ABFintech, Brasscom and Zetta and the Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban).

“The associations hereby express their support for the rapid adoption of the regulatory framework for cryptoeconomics (Bill No.

Project under the terms of the rapporteur is defended by associations

Since reaching the Chamber of Deputies, PL 4.401/2021 has been the subject of controversy. This is because the rapporteur Expedito Netto (PSD-RO) does not agree with the changes to the project approved by the federal senate.

For example, since June, the project has been placed on the agenda and taken off the agenda several times, without even being appreciated by the plenary. In October, days after the first round of the 2022 elections, the PL was drafted, but there was no discussion.

Now, however, the associations are defending the project’s approval under the terms of the rapporteur, stating that they agree to the approval before the end of the year.

“We emphasize that the adoption under the terms of the report by the rapporteur, Dept. Expedito Netto (PSD/RO), although it can be improved in the final vote in the plenary by the deputies, it balances the texts that have been discussed by the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Senate, aimed at developing the market in the country and giving more safety and reliability to Brazilian consumers.”

The public letter was shared with the report this Wednesday and aims to accelerate the adoption of rules for cryptocurrencies in Brazil.

Source: Live Coins
