Craig Wright, known as Faketoshi (fake Satoshi), has become a scourge for the Bitcoin ecosystem. Wright has not only claimed to be the creator of Bitcoin for years, but has also sued anyone who disagrees with his claims.
The latest lawsuit targeted 15 Bitcoin developers, as well as 11 companies in the industry, including Exchange Coinbase and three companies owned by Twitter founder Jack Dorsey.
Despite Wright’s best efforts, Judge James Mellor did not give the computer scientist the case, another court defeat.
Craig Wright loses another lawsuit
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To prove he is the real Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, Craig Steven Wright only has to sign a message with the first existing Bitcoin address. However, on another occasion, Wright stated that he got into the hard drive that contained his private keys.
True or not, the fact is that Wright now has only his word, which has no value.
In the current lawsuit, the computer scientist claimed the “creator of the Bitcoin system, the person who wrote the original Bitcoin code and the author of the white paper”the latter embedded in the Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain and other forks such as Bitcoin Cash (BCH).
“I ran the Bitcoin software on January 3, 2009 and created the Genesis block that day”Craig Wright told the British court. “The second block (now known as Block #1), the first block to be ‘mined’ on the Blockchain, was not created until I ran the software on January 9, 2009.”
Despite the attempt, Judge Mellor was unconvinced by the story, after all the same story that provides no contiguous evidence, and ultimately ignored his copyright requests.
Faketoshi attacks media
Commenting on the topic on social networks, Craig Wright complained about the position of the media. After CoinDesk reported its loss in court, Wright called the portal a liar.
“News appears. CoinDesk ghost. WII (Wright International Investments) has been granted the right to serve foreign developers and try to enforce its database copyrights and other intellectual property rights on the BTC and BCH blockchain.”wrote Wright. “No loss of rights has been found despite the lies of the BTC Core trolls. Core will have to respond in the UK.”
News in.@CoinDesk classes.
WII was given the right to serve developers abroad and try to enforce its database rights and other IP copyright on the BTC and BCH blockchain.
No loss of rights was found, despite lies from BTC Core trolls.
Core will have to respond in the UK.
– dr. Craig S. Wright (@Dr_CSWright) February 8, 2023
Gavin Andresen ends support for CSW
While the evidence is lacking, one of the biggest arguments that Craig Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto was the opinion of Gavin Andresen, the developer who took over Bitcoin after the real creator left.
However, Andresen threw in the towel this week. In updating its blog post this month, the developer expressed regret for trusting Wright.
“February 2023: I don’t believe in rewriting history, so I’m leaving this post. But a lot has happened in the seven years since I wrote it, and I now know that trusting Craig Wright as much as I did was a mistake. I regret being sucked into the “who is (or isn’t) Satoshi” game and I refuse to continue playing that game.”
Therefore, Wright remains a big liar to almost the entire Bitcoin community. After all, all he has are her words and an immense desire to sue anyone who opposes her.
Source: Live Coins
Barry Siefert is an accomplished journalist and author at The Nation View. He is known for his expertise in the field of cryptocurrency, and has written extensively on the topic. With a background in finance and economics, Barry has a deep understanding of the underlying technology and market forces that drive the crypto industry.