Central Bank of Brazil promotes event on Digital Real

The Central Bank of Brazil will promote the first digital Real workshop after confirming that the Brazilian currency is testing a blockchain. According to the municipality, the event will be broadcast live on the BCB’s YouTube channel from 2pm on Monday (10th).

So for those who wanted to participate physically, registration is now closed. In any case, the broadcast can help those interested in learning about the new Brazilian currency and how its technology will work.

Compatible with Ethereum solutions, Hyperledger Besu was the blockchain chosen for testing by the central bank, which expects to complete testing by the end of 2023.

How is the schedule for the first Real digital workshop open to the public?

Since the presentation of the project related to the Real digital blockchain, the BCB warned that it would hold a workshop on the technology in April 2023.

Hosted at the Octavio Gouvêa de Bulhões Auditorium, the headquarters of the Central Bank in Brasília, the meeting should also include currency news.

Session 1, scheduled at 2 p.m., will discuss the Real digital guidelines and the RD Pilot. Rogério Lucca, Head of the Banking Operations and Payments System Department, will lead the debate.

Shortly afterwards, at 3 p.m., the specialists will discuss Real digital’s business model. The debate will be joined by Mardilson Queiroz (advisor of the Financial System Regulation Department), Marcus Sucupira (Deputy Head of the Open Market Operations Department) and Wallace Horta (Coordinator of the Banking Operations and Payment System Department).

After a 30 minute break at 4:00 PM, the event returns at 4:30 PM to discuss the regulation of the RD pilot, in Session 3. Fabio Araujo, Consultant in the Banking Operations and Payment Systems Department and Coordinator of the Real Initiative Digital is responsible for the presentation.

Finally, Session 4 of the Digital Real Workshop promotes a Round Table with participants and representatives from BC and STN between 5:30 PM and 6:30 PM.

End users have no access to Real digital or its programming

It is worth remembering that the digital Real project, like a CBDC, is a currency planned by the BCB to be used under the control of participants in the banking system.

That is, Brazilians will not have direct contact with the digital Real, according to the central bank’s current plans regarding the project.

In March 2023, Alzira Morais, from the executive secretariat of the BC, emphasized that the intention is to give Brazilians access to tokenized assets through financial institutions.

“With the effective implementation of Real Digital, end customers will be able to access the infrastructure through their relationships with financial and payment institutions without having direct access to Real Digital or the programming tools available on the platform. Such a proposal will give end customers access to services and to the tokenized assets market, while preserving the integrity, stability and mediation in the SFN, as well as bank multiplication mechanisms and the normal functioning of the credit market.”

Next week’s workshop will allow those who are still unsure about the project to participate to better understand it.

Source: Live Coins
