CPI of cryptocurrencies can be installed this week in the Chamber of Deputies

Live on the CNN panel this Monday (10), Federal Representative Aureo Ribeiro (SD-RJ) confirmed that he had introduced the installation of the CPI on cryptocurrencies in the Chamber of Deputies.

As advanced by live coinswas submitted last week to the CPI to investigate the cryptocurrency market, after receiving more than 170 signatures from parliamentarians.

This Monday, in addition to Aureo Ribeiro, the criminal lawyer and professor at the USP, Pierpaolo Bottini, also spoke about the crimes related to the image of cryptocurrencies in the country.

“More than 1 million Brazilians injured in scams like Atlas Quantum and GAS,” says federal deputy, author of the CPI on cryptocurrencies

Commenting on the CPI’s request on cryptocurrencies, Aureo Ribeiro recalled that the cryptocurrency law, which will come into force in June 2023, is also his authorship. He does hope, however, to investigate the misuse of technology by rogue companies with the Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry.

According to the deputy, companies such as Atlas Quantum and GAS Consultoria, among others, have left a trail of 1 million injured customers in Brazil who deserve to be investigated.

“I authored the CPI to distinguish between those who commit crimes and those who work correctly. What is happening in Brazil is a departure from the goal of those who work with crypto assets, there are more than 1 million injured investors who believe in a presented proposal, in a promised investment, and who have lost their dreams, income through companies that applied strikes. This has been happening for several years, as is the case with Atlas Quantum, with GAS in Rio de Janeiro, so the CPI must investigate the crimes in the National Congress.”

USP law professor Pierpaolo Bottini participated in the meeting and also defended the creation of the CPI. He said MPs should focus on discussing technology misuse, as many scams have harmed families.

“The CPI is important as long as it tackles misuse of crypto assets. We know that crypto assets are a major technological advancement. They have facilitated commercial transactions and even proved to be a reasonable investment, so much so that serious funds and banks eventually put digital assets in their portfolios. But like any other tool, they are often used for criminal purposes, the deputy mentioned one, which is the purpose of the CPI, which is fraud, the use of digital assets, to entice people to invest in projects that, in fact they don’t exist. A so-called very high investment, guaranteed, with more than 50%, while that is not sustainable.”

Asked about the prognosis for the start of the CPI, Aureo Ribeiro recalled that the project has already been submitted and that he is consulting with the board of directors and with President Arthur Lira (PP-AL) about the installation as soon as possible. He recalls that the CPI can even help the Ministry of Finance in Brazil, which is still editing the regulations of Law 14.478/2022.

Professor defended that deputies are discussing segregation of property

When talking about the risks of the cryptocurrency market, the USP professor defended that the approved law, which is due to take effect soon, should address the role of brokers. This is because these companies allow Brazilians to trade and exchange cryptocurrencies for Real, and can facilitate money laundering and other crimes.

Finally, Professor Pierpaolo Bottini asked Deputy Aureo to discuss, if possible, in the CPI on Cryptocurrencies the implementation of asset segregation in brokers, which can also provide more certainty for investors.

Source: Live Coins
