Bitcoin Pizza Day, an event celebrated by bitcoin fans around the world, decided to invade Brazil in the 2023 edition. This is because more than 21 cities have already confirmed community gatherings in support of the theme.
The May 22 date became known after a bitcoin enthusiast paid 10,000 BTC for two pizzas in the United States in May 2022. The case quickly had repercussions because the first bitcoin transaction was a known means of payment, and was also responsible for the dollar pricing of the currency.
From then on, Bitcoin Pizza Day began to be celebrated annually on the date, and in Brazil, everything indicates that it is gaining more and more momentum.
Bitcoin Pizza Day adoption in Brazil grows in 2023
Bitcoin is basically a decentralized currency and the entire ecosystem revolves around the philosophy that Satoshi Nakamoto left behind when he developed the technology.
An annual opportunity to test bitcoin and meet other fans is the date of Bitcoin Pizza Day, always on May 22. On the same date in 2010, Laszlo confirmed that he paid 10,000 bitcoins for two Papa Johns pizzas, pretending to be happy to use his coins.
And the nostalgic date caused a real phenomenon in Brazil in 2023, according to data from the group Palavra de Satoshi. YouTuber and P2P Vinícius Kinczel’s profile helped publicize local initiatives, stating that 21 cities have hosted events celebrating the first public purchase with bitcoin in history.
Organizations take place from Maranhão to Rio Grande do Sul and pass through capitals in the Northeast, Southeast, Federal District and Midwest, in addition to the South of Brazil.
It is worth noting that despite the common purpose of the events, the decentralized organization in each city is a reminder of the strength of the bitcoin community around the world.
Only 21 cities? Event may become the largest in Brazil’s history
It is worth remembering that many events will take place in closed groups, who prefer to remain anonymous when meeting with the community.
Thus, everything indicates that more than 21 cities can count on events on May 22, 2023, placing the edition as the one with the largest adoption of Bitcoin Pizza Day in Brazil history.
Anyway, what is important to true bitcoin fans, much more than eating a pizza, is the fact that the currency is still relevant after years as a means of payment and also as a store of value.
That’s because the same two pizzas, with 10,000 BTCs, would cost BRL 1.3 billion today, making them the most expensive pizzas in history.
Source: Live Coins

Barry Siefert is an accomplished journalist and author at The Nation View. He is known for his expertise in the field of cryptocurrency, and has written extensively on the topic. With a background in finance and economics, Barry has a deep understanding of the underlying technology and market forces that drive the crypto industry.