Lula’s government will focus on cryptocurrencies and online betting

The National Anti-Corruption and Money Laundering (Enccla) Strategy, prepared by the Lula government in 2003, announced that it will focus on crimes related to new technologies, such as fraud involving cryptocurrencies and online gambling.

We are reinstitutionalizing Enccla with a new configuration, with the establishment of a governance group, the concept of goals and results and with a focus on anti-corruption and money laundering”, explained the Minister of Justice and Public Security, Flávio Dino.

According to the minister, the moment marks the resumption of Enccla in collaboration with other agencies and entities and a proposal to focus on environmental crimes and money laundering related to these crimes.

The predominant axes will be in environmental crime, due to the strategic dimension of the Amazon, and in commercial relationships and new technologies with cryptocurrencies and online contributions“, he emphasized.

With regard to new technologies, according to Enccla, the main theme will be crimes committed through the use of new technologies, such as cryptocurrencies, gambling, monetization, online gambling and cybercrime.

Enccla has 80 public institutions

Union Comptroller General Minister Vinicius Marques de Carvalho said Enccla has trained thousands of officials on anti-money laundering issues since its inception, in addition to establishing a network of laboratories on the subject and the integration between the control and anti-corruption bodies in the country.

The National Secretary of Justice, Augusto de Arruda Botelho, stressed that the Enccla is one of the main initiatives of the Brazilian state to debate and propose measures to combat corruption and money laundering.

According to him, acting with the Governance Board will be more objective, practical and effective.

Currently, Enccla consists of 80 public institutions from the three powers and spheres (executive, legislative, and judiciary) and the prosecution service, in addition to entities. The aim is to formulate government policies and solutions to tackle corruption and money laundering in the country.

Enccla’s Anti-Corruption Group Governance Council wants to help strengthen the Brazilian state

The purpose of the Governance Council is to raise, strengthen Enccla’s level of representation, to define priority themes for the Brazilian state in the fight against corruption and money laundering, unify the political and bureaucratic sphere, in addition to stimulating of the implementation of the results.

Representatives of the following bodies participate in it: Vice President of the Republic, Ministry of Justice and Public Security (MJSP), Attorney General’s Office (AGU); Central Bank of Brazil, Comptroller General of the Union (CGU), Council for the Control of Financial Activities (Coaf), National Council of Justice (CNJ), National Council of the Public Ministry (CNMP), Federal Police (PF), Special Secretariat of the Federal Revenue of Brazil (RFB) and the Federal Court of Auditors (TCU).

It is worth remembering that since 2018, agencies participating in Enccla have already started researching cryptocurrencies in Brazil.

Everything points to the need for the new council to speed up the work, with the participation of the highest echelon of the Lula government’s national executive. Enccla was created in Brazil in 2003, during the first term of Brazil’s current president.

Source: Live Coins
