“Bitcoin doesn’t exist, it’s a new way someone can take your money,” says Luiz Barsi

The mega-investor of the Brazilian stock exchange, known as “Warren Buffett-BrazilianLuiz Barsi attacked bitcoin again in an interview for the Ações Garantem Futuro channel.

According to Barsi, it is It is worse to buy a bitcoin than to lend money to a brother-in-lawthough he confesses that his wife’s brother never asked him for money.

The sour view of the digital currency is not really new to those who follow Barsi’s work, who sees the fundamentals only in shares of companies that pay dividends.

That is, to the investor known for making millions on B3, bitcoin is just another checking account, not generating dividends the way he wants.

Luiz Barsi Says “Bitcoin Doesn’t Exist” And Is “Just A New Way To Take Money From People”

Despite being questioned in an unconventional way about what he thinks about Bitcoin, Luiz Barsi remembered some of his jargons against the digital currency and its fundamentals.

Bitcoin does not exist, has anyone seen a bitcoin?”, Barsi said. With the speech, he showed that because there is no physical form of digital currency, its existence is doubtful.

“I wouldn’t buy bitcoin for 30k, bitcoin doesn’t exist.”

Barsi also said cryptocurrency is just a new nomenclature of someone taking people’s money.

In the interview, Barsi also talked about his investment methods, how he evaluates the companies he invests in on the stock market, and what his life goal is at the age of 84: to earn 1 million reais daily through dividends.

Bitcoin does not exist, said Luiz Barsi in a recent interview
“Bitcoin does not exist,” said Luiz Barsi in a recent interview/Reproduction.

“The state wants people to become loan sharks and lose money,” says Barsi

In the same interview, after calling fixed incomes in Brazil a “fixed loss,” Luiz Barsi stated that he strongly believes in the importance of financial education.

However, he does not believe that financial education should come from the state, as the main state initiatives involve borrowing money from citizens, such as government bonds, for example.

According to Barsi, even though the citizen acts as a usurer for the state, people are still losing money because inflation is eroding the value of money at an accelerated rate.

Finally, the mega-investor critical of bitcoin and the state believes that investors should study the financial market to build solid long-term wealth.

Source: Live Coins
