Ivan Biankochannel content creator Crypto Brotherhood, performed live on YouTube Tuesday evening (29), where he spoke to his followers about his income in DeFi pools, P2E games and other topics. However, the youtuber ended up leaking his passwords live, forcing him to close the live immediately.
The surveillance happened when Ivan tried to access his Gala account, but ended up opening a text file with all his private keys and seed sentences on the screen he was streaming on.
“Let me log in here guys, on the other screen here so I don’t show my account”said Ivan. “I can’t log in, my email address is closed and I don’t have my cell phone here.”
He then opens the Windows file explorer and drags the folder onto a second screen. However, when you open a file called “back.txt”the notebook opens on the main screen, visible to all viewers.
“Fuck*, I think I messed up here, huh bro? Our face. I’ll have to close the live, I’ll explain later, sorry. I pooped a lot here, bro, huge, huge.

Brazilian Youtuber Says He Lost All His Money
After closing the live, Ivan Bianco rushed to access his exposed wallets and move his cryptocurrencies to other safe addresses. However, a spectator was faster than him and pushed the money in front of him, stealing his savings.
Hours later, the youtuber opened a new live, crying as he said he had lost all his savings.
“Guys I can’t believe I did this, I don’t even know what I’m going to say”says Ivan at the beginning of the live. “I accidentally showed my private key live, and the person quickly sent it [para outro endereço]. I have tried to close and send the live [as criptomoedas]but there was no time.”
“He stole everything, all the money I’ve saved in my life, mate. It’s not possible that I did that, that I made that mistake.”

Both in the title and description and in the video itself, Ivan asks the person who stole him to return his cryptocurrencies. “Please, brother, whoever did this, give it back. It’s all I have”said the youtuber, already aware that there’s not much he can do about it.
According to data from the chain, the youtuber’s wallet had a transaction of 86,000 polygon (MATIC), equivalent to BRL 240,000, to a new address this Tuesday evening (29). That is, it is possible that this is the amount that Ivan lost.

“I can’t even afford the electricity this week old man, everything comes from DeFi, everything comes from there, don’t do that old man”continued Ivan. “Nightmare, a nightmare this place.”
Finally, the youtuber said he would go to the police, believing authorities would be able to obtain information from those watching the live show. However, he noticed “It is very difficult to recover” your cryptocurrencies.
Until the close of this report, Ivan had not recovered his cryptocurrencies, but later revealed that one of the thieves regretted it and “I have returned a large part of the stolen money.”
Both videos can be viewed in full below.
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Source: Live Coins

Barry Siefert is an accomplished journalist and author at The Nation View. He is known for his expertise in the field of cryptocurrency, and has written extensively on the topic. With a background in finance and economics, Barry has a deep understanding of the underlying technology and market forces that drive the crypto industry.