Cryptocurrency Melts 94% After YouTuber Kicked Off His Own Channel

Ben Armstrong, better known as BitBoy, has quickly become a controversial figure in the cryptocurrency world. While he is praised by some of his followers for presenting educational content, many others criticize him for spreading shitcoins and possible scams.

In December last year, the youtuber panicked at an in-person event after being accused of being a scammer. Before that, in October, he also panicked on video and his anger turned into memes.

Just last week, BitBoy was kicked out of its own company, creating a brand new chapter in history. Basically, his partners claim that the youtuber has problems with drugs.

“Yesterday BJ Investment Holdings took decisive legal action to remove Ben Armstrong from the company and in particular the Bitboy Crypto brand”points to the statement. “This difficult decision is the result of a longstanding effort to help Ben through his substance abuse relapse, and to reconcile the emotional, physical and financial damage he has inflicted on employees of the Hit Network and the Bitboy Crypto community. ”

“BitSquad deserves better and we will get through this together. We wish him well and are sorry he has come to this point and look forward to the future of Bitboy Crypto.”

BitBoy's resignation from his own company.  Source: X.
BitBoy’s resignation from his own company. Source: X.

The next day, BitBoy published an image of lab tests showing negative results for the use of several substances. However, he revealed on video that he abuses diet pills and steroids.

“These things affected me more than I thought and everyone around me could see it but not me”BitBoy noticed and also revealed that he had cheated on his wife.

“I build [minha empresa] in a way that I don’t have full control over. There are things I can do legally, but ultimately I want to save BitBoy Crypto […] I have to hand it over.”

BitBoy cryptocurrency plummets

BitBoy was not the only one to bottom out, its cryptocurrency, Ben (BEN) also followed its trajectory. It was launched in May this year and rose 622% in a few days, but soon entered a sharp decline.

The BEN cryptocurrency, listed on brokers such as Poloniex, Bitget, and MEXC, has already posted losses of 94.4% in the past three months. The biggest victims were probably the followers of the youtuber, the main target group of the project.

BenCoin (BEN) cryptocurrency crash, linked to youtuber Ben Armstrong (BitBoy).  Source: Playback.
BenCoin (BEN) cryptocurrency crash, linked to youtuber Ben Armstrong (BitBoy). Source: Playback.

According to the project’s website, the “BEN Coin is a cryptocurrency and a collective that aims to promote the understanding and adoption of cryptocurrencies”. In other words, it appears to be a cryptocurrency backed by the emotional state of a youtuber who has little control over himself.

Finally, the supply of 420,690,000,000,000 units of the BEN cryptocurrency also shows that the project looks more like a memecoin than a serious project. Anyway, there are still people interested in projects of the genre.

Source: Live Coins
