CPI delegates recommend kidnapping of Grow Up president’s belongings

Two deputies of the CPI das Pirâmides Financeiras, who gathered information on the activities of the Grow Up Club and its president, recommended seizing their assets to compensate customers.

The company raised money from customers in Campos de Goytacazes (RJ) and other cities in Brazil, promising big profits in the market.

As a result, several customers who contributed to the scheme believed Gleidson da Costa Gonçalves and have now been waiting for months without an answer as to where their money is.

Last Tuesday (3), he made a statement to the CPI after the PF forcibly took him to Brasilia (DF).

What do deputies understand when they ask to seize the assets of the president of Grow Up for CPI das Pirâmides Financeiras?

At the end of its work, scheduled for October 11, 2023, the CPI das Pirâmides Financeiras must prepare a full report. The text should produce a series of recommendations from the work.

For example, federal deputies Caio Vianna (PSD-RJ) and Julio Lopes (PP-RJ) signed a letter recommending the seizure of Grow Up’s assets in the final report. According to them, the CPI already has a wealth of evidence of possible fraud by the company against its customers.

“During the activities of this parliamentary commission of inquiry into financial pyramids, we have collected a series of evidence, testimonies and clues pointing to the involvement of Mr. Gleidson da Costa Gonçalves in illegal practices related to financial pyramid schemes through his company Grow Clubje up.

Given the seriousness of these signals, it is necessary to take stricter legal measures. In view of this, and taking into account the damaging consequences suffered by hundreds of investors who claim to have been harmed by the company’s activities, I ask Your Excellency to consider the possibility of seizing Mr Gleidson’s assets, followed by an auction, with the aim of compensating the victims.”

The letter has already been forwarded to the CPI rapporteur, Deputy Ricardo Silva (PSD-SP), who will analyze the request.

If the request is included in the final report, in addition to the seizure of assets, the suspect’s belongings must go to auction to compensate customers.

Testimonies at the CPI made clear evidence of a coup, deputies say

Remembering that Gleidson stopped appearing at the CPI of his own free will and had to go under federal police escort, the delegates emphasized his reluctance to cooperate.

Moreover, after analyzing his testimony and the evidence collected, it became clear to federal parliamentarians that there was a coup. O Livecoins receive a copy of the letter to the rapporteur.

“The aforementioned businessman attracted numerous investors with promises of extraordinary income through Grow Up Club, Trading Farm and other programs, using practices similar to financial pyramid schemes. It is important to note that Mr. Gleidson, when requested, did not immediately appear before this CPI, which culminated in the intervention of the Federal Police who forcibly brought him to this Commission. During his hearing, his unwillingness to cooperate became clear. However, when we analyzed his statements in light of the information already collected, the nature of his plan became clear.”

Finally, the case will be further analyzed by federal delegates of the CPI, which is entering the final part of its work.

Source: Live Coins
