Bitcoin Pharaoh’s wife recommends a book on ‘ethics’ to followers

Mirelis Dias Zerpa fled Brazil after the coup with her “bitcoin pharaoh” husband and recommended a book on ethics to her followers.

The book recommendation was ‘Brave New World’, a romantic dystopia published in 1932 by Aldous Huxley, which presents a cruel and tyrannical world. Alongside George Orwell’s ‘1984’, Huxley’s work had a profound influence on the war climate in Europe in the 1930s.

In Brazil, Mirelis is suspected and investigated for heading the largest financial pyramid in recent years, using the image of bitcoin. She and her husband collected 38 billion reais from their clients, but she managed to escape from him and has not yet been arrested.

In a new publication, the bitcoin pharaoh’s wife recommends a book on ‘ethics’

Ethics is a complicated word in the dictionary of the Venezuelan Mirelis Zerpa, who has been ignoring the investors of GAS Consultoria in recent months and practically playing with them.

In addition to promoting a book on ethics on her social networks, she went live and ignored the fact that her company was at the center of Brazil’s biggest financial scandal. She releases her AI-created music and AI-generated photos daily, ignoring the problems of the investors who have entrusted her with their lifetime of money.

For example, last Wednesday (4), Mirelis opened a live on her Instagram to talk about art and music, and many followers demanded their investments in comments, reports G1 Rio de Janeiro. She once again pretended not to notice the lamentations of her company’s victims and continued talking normally about the new projects.

By publishing the book that argues against deceived people, Mirelis starred in yet another book plot twist in her career as a possible embezzler, when it comes to ethics, after a billionaire’s default.

What are the ethics of the scam?

Ethics challenges people to think about their actions and choices, taking into account the consequences for others and society. It helps promote values ​​such as respect, justice, empathy and responsibility.

But in the case of Mirelis, it is not clear what she thinks about ethics, since she not only disappeared with money from investors, but also spent money to promote music that is unpleasant to the ears and art with her own image on her social networks. .

Her bitcoin pharaoh husband, meanwhile, is imprisoned in Brazil’s federal system and is responsible for the crimes of coup d’état and murder of competitors.

Source: Live Coins
