INTERPOL and civil police arrest suspects of stealing cryptocurrencies from businessman

The Civil Police of Santa Catarina, through the Criminal Investigation Division (DIC) of Itajaí, launched the ‘Blockchain’ operation with the aim of executing eight temporary arrest warrants and four search and seizure warrants. The action resulted in the arrest of seven people.

On Wednesday (4), through integrated action with Interpol, the Ministry of Justice, the Federal Police and the Argentine Federal Police, two suspects living in Buenos Aires were arrested.

On Thursday (5), through integrated action with the Civil Police of Sergipe (COPE and DIPOL), another suspect was arrested in the town of Ituporanga D’Ajuda, in Sergipe.

In Santa Catarina, two members have already been arrested due to Operation “X”, launched by the DIC in Itajaí, for participating in bank robberies. In addition, another member of the execution group was already arrested for a new robbery of the house. Arrest warrants have been issued against these suspects due to the new facts.

Another suspect was arrested at his home in Balneário Camboriú and one suspect is on the run. Electronic devices have been seized to continue the investigation.

The prisoners were sent to the Penitentiary System, where they are at the disposal of the Justice Department. They are responsible for the crimes of aggravated theft and aggravated extortion. The police investigation will be completed within 30 days.

Understand the case where Brazilians stole R$1.2 million worth of cryptocurrencies

In January this year, three people entered the home of a businessman in Praia Brava, Itajaí, with firearms in hand, and captured the victim, his family and employees. The victims were held by the criminals for about three hours.

Through the use of violence and serious threats against his family, the businessman was forced to transfer amounts in cryptocurrencies, and jewelry, electronic devices and cash were stolen. The loss amounted to approximately R$1.2 million.

By tracking the transfers, it was possible to determine that the amounts were sent outside Brazil – Argentina and Peru – through their circulation in cryptocurrency wallets. The seizure of amounts up to R$1.2 million was decreed in the banking system and between cryptocurrency brokers.

Operation Blockchain arrested seven Brazilians who stole more than a million worth of cryptocurrencies
Operation Blockchain arrested seven Brazilians who stole over a million worth of cryptocurrencies/reproduction.

International cooperation resulted in arrests

The investigations were supported by the Fugitive Division of the INTERPOL Representations of Argentina (PFA) and Brazil (PF); INTERPOL and Argentine Federal Police (PFA) Liaison Officers based at the Federal Police International Police Cooperation Center (CPPI) in Rio de Janeiro/RJ; the International Reception Sector of the Federal Police (SECINT/PF); of the Integrated Border Operations Center of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security (CIOF/SENASP/MJSP), headquartered in PTI – Parque Tecnológico Itaipu in Foz do Iguaçu/PR.

In addition, officers from the Civil Police Intelligence and Planning Department (DIPOL) and the Special Police Operations Center (COPE) of the Civil Police of Sergipe (PCSE) participated; the Signals Intelligence Management and Anti-Money Laundering Technology Laboratory of the Civil Police of the State of Goiás (PCGO); of the Criminal Investigations Sector (SIC) and the Dog Operations Center (NOC) of Itajaí (PCSC). With official information from SSP/SC.

Source: Live Coins
