Cryptocurrency CPI ends with 45 indictment requests and 4 new accounts

On Monday afternoon (09), the final report of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI) on financial pyramids, which investigated financial fraud schemes in the country, was presented.

The document proposes that the Public Prosecution Service indict 45 people suspected of involvement in illegal operations.

Among the names that stand out are the founder of Binance, Chanpgeng “CZ” Zhaothat of the director of Binance in Brazil, Guilherme Nazarand that of the former football player Ronaldinho Gaucho.

Past, Glaidson Acácio Dos Santos, commonly known as the “Pharaoh of Bitcoins,” is another nominee. Another notable case on the list is Matheus Müllerwho was called as a witness but was eventually indicted on charges of insults and threats against the chairman of the CPI, deputy Áureo Ribeiro (SOLIDARIEDADE).

The list of those indicted in the CPI of the Pyramids:

  1. Adriaan Froes
  2. Angelo Ventura da Silva
  3. Antonio Inácio da Silva Neto (BraisCompnay)
  4. Augusto Julio Soares Madureira
  5. Caio Almeida Lima
  6. Carlos Eduardo de Lucas
  7. Changpen Zhao (Binance)
  8. Christian Jardiel Guimaraes Braz
  9. Cristiane Soares Madureira do Nascimento
  10. Daniel Ferreira de Sousa Mangabeira Dantas
  11. Diego Ribeiro Chaves
  12. Diorge Roberto de Araujo Chaves
  13. Eliane Medeiros de Lima
  14. Fabiano Lorite de Lima
  15. Fabrícia Farias Campos (BraisCompnay)
  16. Fabrício Spiazzi Sanfelice Cutis
  17. Fernando Fernandes Gomes
  18. Francisco Daniel Lima de FreitasFransciley Valdevino da Silva
  19. Glaidson Acácio dos Santos (Gas consultancy)
  20. Glaidson Tadeu Rosa
  21. Gleidison da Costa Goncalves
  22. Guilherme Haddad Nazar (Binance)
  23. Ivonelio Abrahão da Silva
  24. José Augusto Madureira
  25. Larissa Rodrigues García Goulart Ferreira
  26. Marcelo Lara (18k Ronaldinho)
  27. Marcia Pinto dos Anjos
  28. Matheus Müller Ferreira de Abreu
  29. Mirelis Yoseline Diaz Zerp (Gas consultancy)
  30. Ngelo Ventura da Silva
  31. Patrick Abrahao
  32. Paulo Alberto Wendel Bau Segarra
  33. Ramiro Julio Soares Madureira
  34. Regis Lippert Fernandes
  35. Ricardo Stradiotto
  36. Roberto de Assis Moreira (18k Ronaldinho)
  37. Rodrigo Marques dos Santos
  38. Rogério Júlio Soares Ferreira
  39. Ronaldo de Assis Moreira (18k Ronaldinho)
  40. Tassia Fernanda da Paz
  41. Thiago Farias de Araújo Souza
  42. Thiago Sarandy de Carvalho
  43. Tunay Pereira Lima
  44. Tania Silva Santos Madureira
  45. Tania Silva Santos Madureira

The companies mentioned are related to one of the following companies:

  • 18K Ronaldinho;
  • Quantum Atlas;
  • Binance;
  • Brais company;
  • Gas advice;
  • To grow up;
  • Indeal Consultoria;
  • MSK Investimentos;
  • Ow;
  • RCX Group Investimentos;
  • rental coins;
  • Investing with confidence.

CPI recommendations and new bills

The CPI’s final report included a series of recommendations for administrative-level bodies such as the Central Bank, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the National Consumer Secretariat, among others. The initiative aims to improve understanding and regulation of operations involving cryptoassets and other related activities.

One of the most important proposals is the recommendation to the Federal Tax Authorities to update the concept of crypto assets. The review aims to adapt the official understanding of such assets to the rapid evolution of the cryptocurrency market.

Still in this vein, the report suggests that foreign brokers with local representation have an extensive obligation to report their activities.

Another highlight is the request for a special tax audit targeting 28 companies. The motivation for such action stems from irregularities identified during the CPI’s work that could constitute crimes against the tax system.

The Central Bank was also mentioned, which received the recommendation to investigate the behavior of Virtual Asset Service Providers (PSAVs). The concern lies in the deposit and withdrawal transactions in reais that are carried out through bank accounts that do not belong to the providers.

The document also proposes four new bills aimed at:

  • Strengthen criminal law against obtaining illegal profits through fraudulent processes.
  • Improve the rules that apply to virtual asset service providers.
    Regulate the advertising of cryptoactive substances by digital influencers and ensure more transparent and secure communication to the public.
  • Improve legislation on frequent flyer programs for companies in the aviation sector, thereby better protecting consumers.
  • New rules for frequent flyer programs linked to airlines.

These proposals, if approved, could provide a more secure and transparent environment for investors, companies and consumers operating in the cryptoactive and related fields.

It is now expected that the report’s recommendations will be analyzed and possibly implemented.

“We have more than 3 million injured Brazilians, more than R$100 billion extracted from the Brazilian population in the twenty largest established pyramids. We urgently need to vote on these bills”declared the chairman of the CPI, Aureo Ribeiro (Solidariedade-RJ).

Reactions from those involved

Livecoins has sent an email to the defense of all the individuals mentioned, and the responses will be included in this article.

The lawyers of Ronaldinho Gaucho stated that there is no evidence against Ronaldinho and that the CPI did not even do that “took the time to listen to the owners of the 18K company”further stated “It is an attempt to attract attention through the names of personalities.”

Matheus Müller explains how he feels “Twice a victim, of Atlas Quantum and now of the CPI.” “I am a victim of a pyramid, they approached me to cooperate with explanations about the cryptocurrency system and information I received from former directors and employees of Atlas, but it seems that the information I took was not liked from some parliamentarians.” he said.

Source: Live Coins
