Victim of the “Pharaoh of bitcoins” manages to block BRL 7.2 million on Binance

A client of “Faraó dos Bitcoins” Glaidson Acácio dos Santos has obtained a court order to block BRL 7.2 million on the Binance brokerage. The amount would have been invested by him in the possible Cabo Frio scheme.

The decision was granted after several months in which the company suspended payments to its customers because it was the fault of the law. But while the leader Mirelis Zerpa, wife of the self-proclaimed pharaoh, remains at large, customers continue to try to get back the money invested.

When she fled, movements were detected on her Binance account, according to the MPF, tracking several wallets after operation Kryptos in search of approximately R$1 billion in her possession.

“Pharaó dos Bitcoins” Client Gets Early Order to Block BRL 7.2 Million on Binance

A client of GAS Consultoria Bitcoin in Paraná presented all the evidence he had against the company, which promised an income of 10% per month but left a trail of losses all over Brazil.

According to him, the company had deposited Bitcoin on exchanges, mainly citing the platforms. “BITSTAMP.NET”, “BITMEX.COM”, “BITFINEX.COM”, “BINANCE.COM”, “KRAKEN.COM”, “BITTREX.COM”, “POLINIEX.COM”† In addition to urgently requesting to block the assets found therein, the retail investor has also requested through SISBAJUD to block assets.

The orders were made against the companies of the “Pharaoh of bitcoins” group, among others “DSR SOLUCOES DE NEGOCIOS EIRELI”, “GAS CONSULTORIA E TECNOLOGIA LTDA”, “MYD ZERPA TECONOLOGIA EIRELI”.

The client and his defense also named leaders Glaidson Acácio dos Santos, Mirelis Zerpa, Tunay Pereira, Michael Magno and other companies of the association, but the judge understood that no petition may be filed against individuals yet.

Binance will have to liquidate found cryptocurrencies

O live coins was given access to the public decision against GAS Consultoria, indicating that it should be blocked up to the limit of BRL 7.2 million at the Binance brokerage, in a public trial pending in Maringá. The coins must be in the possession of the companies named by the investor.

It is noteworthy that the judge has ruled that any cryptocurrency found must be converted into Real by Binance itself and only then sent to a judicial account.

“I hereby order you, in the records described above, to proceed with the seizure of cryptocurrency, or part thereof, owned by the defendants for an amount of BRL 7,200,000.00 (seven million, two hundred thousand reais). Cryptocurrencies must be pre-paid by the exchange and the resulting amount deposited into a bank account linked to the court.”

Judge Grants Request to Block BRL 7.2 Million on Binance - Livecoins
Judge grants request to block BRL 7.2 million on Binance. Public decision in case against GAS Consultoria

This decision shows that customers of GAS Consultoria Bitcoin are individually taking legal action seeking cryptocurrencies on behalf of the company, running out of time to attempt to recover at least some of the damages accrued from the company’s fraud. .

Source: Live Coins
