Vet sold house to invest with ‘Pharaoh of bitcoins’

A vet has sold a house to invest in the company GAS Consultoria, a company of the “Faraó dos Bitcoins”, another victim of the financial pyramid scheme under investigation by authorities in Brazil.

GAS, a company owned by Glaidson Acácio dos Santos, victimized by customers across the country, is accused of moving nearly R$40 billion after raising money from customers. To get that much attention, a return of 10% per month was promised from alleged cryptocurrency trades made by the company’s traders.

Based in Cabo Frio, this company was one of those that stood out in the Lagos region with offerings featuring Bitcoin’s image, but other companies emerged in the region to take advantage of the fame. In 2021, when GAS saw its leaders being targeted by the federal police, several other local companies announced the shutdown of financial pyramid schemes.

Vet sold house to invest with “Pharaoh of Bitcoins”

O live coins accessed a decision of the Rio de Janeiro judiciary filed by a client of “Faraó dos Bitcoins”, a veterinarian, and sold a house to contribute to her business.

She asked in court for free to file her case, but in the end her request was acknowledged but rejected by the magistrates. After selling her property, she invested R$50 thousand in the company under investigation, but ended up making a loss on her negotiations.

In the case, despite the claim of woe and the IRPF statement attached to the file, the plaintiff raised the amount of BRL 50,000.00 – admittedly through the sale of a property – to invest in cryptocurrencies (“Bitcoins “). is of course not in line with the situation of economic misery, nor with the risk of endangering one’s livelihood as a result of the payment of legal costs, especially since the assets declared to the tax authorities amount to R$ 210,177.71 – between balances on bills and applications – referring to the year 2021, in addition to being a veterinarian

The trial is pending in Rio de Janeiro and if the vet wanted to continue her action, she will have to bear the costs of the judiciary. This shows the difficulties customers are going through, in addition to the loss of investment and the failure to deliver promised returns.

Lawyer says Glaidson told him he won’t pay anyone until he’s out of jail

And in recent months, lawsuits are still pending against the company, mainly because GAS Consultoria Bitcoin has no plans to refund customers.

In a video published last Thursday by lawyer Jorge Calazans (10), he explained to clients that he visited and spoke to the “Pharaoh of Bitcoins” in prison. For example, Glaidson is said to have confessed to him that he has no intention of paying anyone until he is out of prison.

The lawyer also sent the live coins a document on a public civil action plan against GAS Consultoria, recently filed by the law firm David Nigri and asking for R$17 billion from the pharaoh of Bitcoins, which Calazans also signs.

Jorge commented on the departure of the defense lawyer of Venezuelan Mirelis Zerpa from the case after discovering that Glaidson had made it clear that there are no plans to pay clients, showing that even those defending the company are not. believe more.

Source: Live Coins
