UFSCar Students Launch Ezines About Cryptocurrencies

Students from UFSCar (Federal University of São Carlos), in the interior of the state of São Paulo, launched e-zines on the topic of cryptocurrencies. According to the professors of the initiative, the aim was to stimulate the innovative and creative aspect of undergraduate students.

Fanzine is a term that is little known around the world, as it refers to unofficial and non-professional magazines, which can be about a certain topic. In the anarchist movement of the 1980s, for example, this was a common form of expression for the counterculture, which promoted its views as a culture of resistance and alternative media.

However, with the popularization of the Internet, these publications took on digital formats and publications, which are now called e-zines.

UFSCar Students Launch Cryptocurrency and Metaverse Ezines

With work starting in 2021, UFSCar has pushed its students to explore more about creating digital works, such as e-zines, for example.

In 2022, the university invited 227 students to create the UFSCar e-zines, in a course called “Communication and Expression”, in a course offered by the Department of Letters.

The work resulted this year in 28 e-zines, which deal with subjects such as electronic fraud, culture of cancellation and metaverse. It is noteworthy that two student works advance the debate on cryptocurrencies.

In one of the works, students cover the topic of “cryptocurrencies and their impact”, explaining how the blockchain works, the origins of digital currencies, how investments in the sector work, as well as the pros and cons of the technology.

The other digital work created by students asks whether cryptocurrencies represent the end of money, where it recounts El Salvador’s experience of using Bitcoin as a national currency and teaches readers how to use coins and NFTs in practice. to buy.

The works, whose themes are chosen by the students themselves, show that the topic of cryptocurrencies has gained knowledge at federal universities in the country. Participated in the launch of 28 e-zines students of Mathematics, Chemistry, Physical Education, Statistics, Physical Engineering, Physics, Electrical Engineering, Social Sciences, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Library Science and Computer Science and Computer Science.

“We could work on the unrest of the students”

The work was observed by professors and lecturers from UFSCar’s Department of Arts. The proposal to create an ezine could address the students’ concerns, according to the professors.

In a note to live coinsUFSCar communications said the professors responsible for organizing the proposal found a rich dialogue between students, professors and educators.

“The students practiced all phases of building an editorial object: from the meeting of the agenda to choose the theme to the text production process, ending with the creation of the design. The methodology, built with extensive teacher support, also enabled a rich dialogue between professors, teachers and students.”

Source: Live Coins
