Minvivienda activated registration for Mi Casa Ya grants

The Minister of Housing, Catalina Velasco, explained that this call, launched on Monday, November 7, is aimed only at families who have “activated” status in the Mi Casa Ya program, with the approval of a mortgage loan. or current housing rent, and that they have a scheduled completion date or housing deed signature until November 30, 2022.

The minister explained that these new quotas have been opened following budgetary efforts to support families who are due to complete their procedures this year.

This is an emergency measure that is only aimed at families who immediately deliver their home and who have applied for the subsidy to help with the financial completion of the purchase in 2022.

“Our goal is that none of these households lose their savings and can buy their home. This is a ministry that is ready to meet the needs of the people and so we will make a budgetary effort together with the Ministry of Finance to enable quotas for the remainder of 2022 for families that demonstrate that they meet all requirements.” , he says. added.

Source: El heraldo

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