Jóvenes and Acción linked more than 110,000 new beneficiaries

Social Prosperity expanded coverage of Jóvenes and Acción and connected 110,831 new participants to the program.

The quotas have been allocated during cycle number 6 of 2022 and the incentive delivery day will take place this month.

During the registration process, the entity used three sources of information in 2022 to identify the population associated with Jóvenes and Acción: Sisbén IV, the Indigenous Census of the Ministry of the Interior and the ICBF Project Dreams Census.

The DPS tried to bring the young population in the worst poverty situation into contact with each other. It was therefore a fundamental process to redirect the provision and processes of comprehensive care to areas with a higher incidence of poverty and with reduced coverage in terms of higher education.

In 2022, it allocated 65% of enrollments to the student population associated with higher education institutions in professional technical, technological and university courses; 35% went to SENA students, on a technical and technological level.

The higher education institutions, in consultation with Social Prosperity, supported the dissemination and call-up processes and facilitated the development of the pre-registration and registration processes.

The departments with the highest number of registered participants are Atlántico (11,054), Valle del Cauca (9,938), Bogotá DC (8,781), Antioquia (8,475) and Norte de Santander (7,669).

Social Prosperity signed six new agreements to expand the scope of the program and connect all official higher education institutions as strategic allies for the operation of the program: 4,119 students from the institutions with which these new agreements were signed were able to register enroll and they will receive their first conditional money transfer, for tuition fees, in cycle number 6 of 2022.

Source: El heraldo
