Demand for energy is falling the most on the coast

He added that one of the economic activities with the largest growth in energy demand in November is the operation of mines and quarries with an increase of 12.82%and agriculture, livestock, hunting, forestry and fishing 6.74%.

For their part, the regions with the greatest demand growth were the East with an increase of 9.06%, followed by the South with 2.3%, CQR (Caldas, Quindío and Risaralda) with 1.89%, Antioquia with 1.31%Center with 0.36% and Guaviare with 0.26%.

The President of the National Association of Generation Companies (ANGEG), Alejandro Castaneda, indicated that the behavior of energy demand reflects the behavior of economic activities.

“In the Caribbean there were in the first semester growth almost 5%. Energy is an indicator of what may come from an economic point of view,” he added.
Some analysts have also pointed out that the drop in demand from housing and small businesses (unregulated market) is explained by the high rates paid in the region.

Source: El heraldo

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