Excerpt from folders under one thousand euros: for fines does not apply

The automatic deletion of files below 1,000 euros – to be charged from 2000 to 2015 – does not affect fines and local taxes. This is provided for in an amendment to the maneuver approved by the House Budget Committee. In addition to the interest, which will in any case be cancelled, the local authorities will decide whether or not to cancel the tax due.

The norm provides that the automatic cancellation of invoices of up to 1,000 euros “is limited to amounts due as interest on late payment, fines and interest on late payment” and “not to the capital and accumulated amounts by way of reimbursement of expenses with executive procedures and notification of the payment notice, which will remain fully due”.

In addition, the expectation is that the stretch will be postponed by two months: the deadline is no longer scheduled for January 31, but will be moved to March 31, 2023.

Source: IL Tempo
