Top 5 tips from employers to pass the interview

Job interview. It seems that there is always a lot of talk about it, but it is never enough. The news of how you can get more chances with less effort comes with every click. But why is there always this sign to achieve the set goal? And with each rejection, your desire to fight to get your dream job diminishes. With every “we’ll let you know” you feel humiliated towards yourself and future research.

What happened? Should we give up? Should we admit defeat? Our advice to you is never give up. But instead, try to find the best way to increase your chances of being hired.

In the next paragraphs, we’ll find out what the top 5 tips from recruiters are for passing the interview!

Know your goals

By now, even job seekers are aware of several factors. Before submitting your resume, you should learn as much as possible about the company, its employees, the type of open position they will fill, and the relevant roles. Am I really compatible with what you’re looking for?

Another aspect that should not be taken lightly is the clarity that everyone should have about their desire to be involved. This is a seemingly simple but not so obvious conversation. There are many people who believe they want to aspire to the top echelons of a company, but then realize, concretely, that they don’t have the skills, time, or genuine interest to cover a particular figure. In such cases, it would be more about creating a good image to others, but not the right image.

On the other hand, if you are looking for a job in an industry other than your skills, you should start with the idea of ​​doing an apprenticeship for a while to learn the trade.

Come to the prepared interview

Now, if you have done all your homework well, then: you have submitted a well-filled resume; received accurate information about the company to which you sent the curriculum; you have adjusted your outfit to any company request for your role; You have learned about the recruiters you will encounter during the interview, and you will already be well prepared for your interview.

Remember which post you applied for

A seemingly obvious argument. Maybe obvious. But not too much. Specify the type of posting you’re applying for, the specific tasks required, the type of potential contract you’re offering, etc. Considering that, it is absolutely simple to discuss and discuss a job with an employment officer.

If your answers to certain questions about the type of job you are applying for are unclear, your interview with the recruiter will end differently.

Above all education

Another good tip, but definitely also advice for everyday life, it starts with training. Starting with a greeting, a nice smile, and good courtesy will help you empathize better with the people involved. Again, it is essential to have knowledge about the company for success.

get information about the company

Talking about the company to the recruiter without knowledge of current, past and future actions dangerously undermines the type of conversation that can be made. With this, of course, we do not intend to receive information such as the balance sheet for the first 6 months. How accurate is it to know the role it plays in the sector, which is the most important projects realized in the past and planned for the near future. As well as the big goals that the company has achieved.

Interact with the employer

Be interactive, ask questions. Also, a world opens up for this discourse: what questions? Are there really too many correct questions to ask? Are there any troubling questions to avoid?

It’s not easy to do the talking in 4 words. Let’s start with the basics that interaction with the recruiter is necessary to put both at ease. It also means putting yourself in a position to ask some more uncomfortable questions. Don’t be afraid to ask questions when you don’t understand the topic well (or if you’ve lost the outline of the discussion) and ask about the company’s goals to see if space will open up for you in the future. And feel free to ask about your exact job type. The aim is to make your interlocutor understand your interest first in the company you want to work for, and then in the position you want to occupy. And it will also give you an idea of ​​your ambition.

manage your emotions

One of employers’ top 5 tips for passing the interview may be based solely on emotions. Going to a job interview is always a mix of heart palpitations, anxiety, excitement, fear, courage. There are many emotions that run through our bodies like discharges that risk dominating us enough to cause us to lose our mental clarity.

Be confident. You are the best part of what you teach in the curriculum. Second, it remains a piece of paper that grows with the knowledge and experience you enter and do. As a result, if the recruiter has already selected you from the piece of paper, it should go even better with you in person.

pay attention to body language

We recommend taking small precautions for gestures: don’t cross your hands and arms, as this is a sign that the dialogue is closed. Continue to sit with your back straight and your gaze fixed on your interlocutor. It’s good to be optimistic and confident. Arrogance is prohibited. Even if you know you’re the best candidate for the job, even if you spend all your time praising yourself, you’re probably not going to make a good impression.

The last piece of advice in terms of feelings, but no less important, is to remind you that you are not in a confession, but in an interview. So the other person is not paid to listen to your complaints or arguments with the boss. In fact, speaking badly about previous jobs can put you in a bad position and make your words lose credibility.

Say goodbye to the employer and thank the recruiter

How to behave after the interview? A good handshake and a heartfelt thank you at the end of the interview is the best choice. If you played your cards right, the recruiter will have already decided by now, and adopting an overly stubborn stance can result in you losing important points. Instead, make sure the interview is also good for the recruiter and ask about possible times for a response. We also recommend that you ask for the possibility to contact the company to once again indicate your interest in the company. And finally, if you have no news after a week or two, try sending a comparison email.

Source: Today IT
