Dear energy, new aid to families: “They will be extended”

Helping households to cope with rising energy costs will not end in March. But they will not have the same modality that has been used until now. The announcement was made by Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti, speaking at the Sole 24 Ore Telefisco conference. «Before April 1, the Italian government intends to intervene to mitigate price increases for families and companies, but in a different way-he explained. Certainly the measures will be extended, probably not in the same way, we are studying more efficient mechanisms in terms of help in the face of consumer trends that guide families and reward virtuous behavior».

For that, however, it is necessary to focus on growth: «In strategic terms, the debt burden can be fought simply by promoting growth, and growth is somehow promoted by making the most of the resources and availability that we have in the New Generation I and releasing positive and entrepreneurial energies, the ability to get things done, the entrepreneurial spirit of the country».

Giorgetti also spoke on the topic of Pnrr. “The resources are there, the project is ambitious – he explained – but the real difficulty is putting them on the ground”. It is, he added, a “decisive challenge, but without the rationalization of procedures and operational flexibility that we are invoking at European level, it seems difficult”. In Europe, continues the minister, “a great debate is underway which will culminate in the European Council in early February on the new discipline of state aid, in particular with regard to the response to the challenge posed also in the United States with the law of reducing inflation. This discussion will likely also discuss updating the tools with which Europe must become more efficient and effective in providing responses to the terms of post-pandemic and post-energy crisis recovery”.

But news is also announced for the world of sport. “Like the Mef – explains Giancarlo Giorgetti – we have witnessed the public debate in which it was taken for granted that there has been a systematic use of fictitious capital gains in the world of football, so the State wants to understand what this “fictional” means. . At the ministry we are considering whether the tax legislation (article 86 of the consolidated income tax text) portrays this phenomenon in a coherent and correct way. I do not exclude news or government proposals in this regard. The rule may change, we begin an analysis of a phenomenon that everyone says happens, but if that is the case, the State must take measures and prevent it from happening”.

But the government also intends to accelerate tax reform, intervening in March with an enabling law that, in addition to the announced reorganization of Irpef rates, also aims to reduce Ires and eliminate Irap. Deputy Economy Minister Maurizio Leo spoke about this on Telefisco del Sole24Ore. «The IRES represents one of the pillars of the reform-he explains. The objective we propose is to achieve legal certainty, attract foreign investment and reduce litigation and review tax credits. We want to configure our interventions to ease the tax burden and we think we can do it by reducing the IRES rate to increase employment and innovative investments like 4.0″. On the compliance front, “the first thing is the elimination of IRAP , the second a summer moratorium that is being asked by many.” So, no more notifications under the umbrella: “we must leave the professionals alone and there must be no deadline for payment in the month of August, we must start from new from the month of September, the month of August should be a rest for everyone ” .

Source: IL Tempo

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