Withholding tax is not a tax, here’s what you need to know

According to John Jairo Bustosthis withholding tax may vary according to the type of relationship, whether it concerns the provision of a service, the sale of a good or an employment relationship.

“If it is an employment relationship, i.e. I am an employee who receives a salary, the withholding at source mainly applies to those salaries equal to or greater than 95 UVT (Tax Value Unit), then we would be talking about who have people who earn a little more than $4 millionBustos said.

This is reported by the Department of National Taxes and Customs (Dian), the value of the UVT for this 2023 is $42,412. This unit of measurement defines the values ​​of the national taxes levied by the entity.

Meanwhile, Diego Peralta explained that if a company buys an input or product, the price without VAT is higher than $1,145,000 You must give a 2.5% or 3.5% discount on the value to be paid.

Source: El heraldo
