According to a survey of HR managers conducted in collaboration with the Institute economic research Ifo from Munich.
In competition to hire and keep skilled workers this may be an opportunity to provide them with a better work-life balance,” said Julia Freiding on behalf of the institute.
in area services this figure is even 10%, in industry 8% and in trade 2%.
However, only 3.3% company templates who offer this opportunity, use it.

Photo: Pixabay
“This form of work is not possible in all professions, but it will gain importance where distant workFreiding said.
On the other hand, the companies of the interviewed managers offer an average of 29 working days vacation more than half of their employees receive special vacation pay.
In addition, 59% of companies provide additional paid holidays so that employees can conduct training.
In most states of Germany, with the exception of Bavaria and Saxony, the right to additional leave is enshrined in law. On average, this is 6 working days per year.
Educational activities do not have to be directly related to the employee’s work activity.
However, only 3.5% of eligible workers use this option.
Only 41% of companies offer the possibility of creative leave, that is, unpaid leave, which can last up to a year.
Source: Aristegui Noticias

Roy Brown is a renowned economist and author at The Nation View. He has a deep understanding of the global economy and its intricacies. He writes about a wide range of economic topics, including monetary policy, fiscal policy, international trade, and labor markets.