When inflation subsides: first signs of a slowdown

The Bank of Italy’s survey of inflation and growth expectations for the first half of 2023 gives a first accurate indication: consumer inflation expectations have fallen to 6.4% in 12 months and to 5.3% in 12 months 4 .8% in the horizons of 2 years and between 3 and 5 years, respectively.

While selling prices have grown steadily over the past year, for the first time since the end of 2020, companies expect a slowdown over the next 12 months in all sectors except residential construction. in April and more than 1.5 million in the April-June quarter, with an increase in demand for labor of around 76 thousand units compared to April 2022 (+20.6%) and of 186 thousand units compared to to the corresponding quarter (+13.5%).

The biggest job opportunities are offered by the tourist services sector with 108,000 workers in demand in conjunction with the Easter break. A scenario outlined by the Bulletin of the Excelsior information system, created by Unioncamere and Anpal.

The industry as a whole is scheduling 105,000 admissions for the month and about 400,000 for the quarter, up 2.6% and 13.1%, respectively, year-over-year. In April, manufacturing is looking for 70,000 workers, rising to 280,000 for the quarter.

The mechatronics (51 thousand contracts to be activated in the quarter), metallurgical (46 thousand in the quarter), fashion (27 thousand in the quarter) and chemical-pharmaceutical (31 thousand in the quarter, civil construction (120 thousand in the quarter) industries) ) offer the greatest employment opportunities. services are looking for around 1.2 million workers by June, the tourism supply chain more than 393 thousand in the April-June quarter, followed by transport, logistics and storage (115 thousand in the quarter) and trade (175 thousand in the quarter) the demand for immigrant workers which in April approached 93 thousand (+44.5% compared to the same period of 2022).

Source: IL Tempo
