Farmers in Groningen satisfied after surprise decision on nitrogen limit value

The Council of State (RvS) made a surprise decision this week: The 25km limit imposed by the Cabinet for nitrogen deposition does not violate the rules. The government can ignore nitrogen more than 25 kilometers from the source when allowing.

All PAS reporters, good news for at least 29 farms in Groningen. It looks like your licensing issues have been resolved immediately. Farmers around Eemshaven and Delfzijl are more than 25 kilometers from the nearest nature reserve, which is suffering from extreme nitrogen concentrations. After the Council of State decision, its restrictions no longer apply. According to the state of Groningen, they do not need a nature permit.

Poultry breeder and farmer Lammert Westerhuis cannot believe his luck:

Farmer Westerhuis wants to adapt his farm. “It’s an extension of usable space, not more animals, but an adaptation of barns. To make more room for my chicks.” Now that he doesn’t need permission, he can continue with his plans. “You have an idea of ​​how to develop and grow your company. I always have a positive attitude, but of course you never know. And now I have more clarity. My nitrogen does not affect wildlife sanctuaries.”

Happy farmers, but experts say about half of some projects’ nitrogen emissions fall outside a 25-kilometer radius. “The Council of State really made a choice and said that the calculation model we used is reliable up to 25 kilometers away. Therefore, setting this limit to 25 kilometers is justified,” says Christine Visser, an administrative and environmental lawyer.

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Of course, nitrogen impacts will also occur outside the 25-kilometer zone, but the calculation tool isn’t good enough to properly attribute these effects to a single project, says Visser. “For companies traveling outside the 25 kilometer limit, this regulation is no longer valid. You no longer have to calculate for nitrogen.”

Visser thinks the focus should now be on activities close to a nature reserve. “According to the experts, although the computational model is not really a good tool for evaluating individual projects, I still think that an alternative that can be approved is still very far away. Until then, we have a 25-kilometer limit.

Visser says nothing has changed for the government as a result of the decision. “The government’s mandate is to help or combat companies that are located near a nature reserve due to nitrogen emissions. That requirement was already there. The cabinet is currently working on this and peak loads are underway. This will not change.” with this explanation. As a result, I don’t think the effect will lead to more nitrogen.

This is also the expectation of farmer Westerhuis. “It’s all about critical spool value. It has to go down. And every farmer wants it. We can move forward. It is now set for 29 PAS reporters.”

Source: NOS
