The government to test the accounts: The first Defense by Giorgia Meloni

The Meloni Government took an important test: the writing of the Economic and Financial Document (Def). It was put on the agenda of the Council of Ministers on Tuesday, April 11th. The legal deadline was today – Monday, April 10 – but incidentally caused the Easter holiday to be delayed by 24 hours. The Meloni government has published for the first time the document containing the macroeconomic framework of this year’s growth, debt and inflation forecasts and public finance targets until 2026.

April 11 Council of Ministers agenda

The Council of Ministers met at Palazzo Chigi on 11 April 2023 at 15:00 to examine the following agenda:

  • Draft Bill: Interventions to support the competitiveness of capitals;
  • Economic and financial document 2023.

Def of the Meloni government

The framework in which the government operates may be better than expected. Trend GDP growth will settle to 0.9% and net borrowing to 4.35% in 2023. These are the values ​​for the current year that the Ministry of Economy should correct in the document. The same sources describe the work carried out by the MEF under the banner of a serious and cautious approach, as adopted by Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti in the preparation of the Nadef and budget law.

Mef sources still emphasize an approach that selects the lowest values ​​in terms of the state of European and Italian public finances and is synonymous with seriousness. It’s a path the government plans to continue.

In this context, the government is working to bring the two sides together. There are “heavy” items that absorb important resources and variables. For example, there is the section on social security with expenditures for growth.
According to Nadef, from 297.3 billion in 2022 to 320.8 in 2023.
What will happen next year after quota 103 runs out at the end of December. It is no coincidence that the unions are already pressuring to open the conflict.

There is the military sector allocated for international missions.

Among the variables that will affect growth is the implementation of Pnrr, which has been at the center of a political debate in recent days due to delays in tenders that will jeopardize the use of some of the resources.

Def will be reviewed by the Chamber as soon as permission is received from the government.

Source: Today IT
