Petro appointed four commissioners in charge of the Creg

Ángela María Sarmiento holds a master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the National University of Colombia and a master’s degree in Economics from Santo Tomás University.

She has served as a director of engineering with the Superintendence of Residential Public Services and an advisor to the Energy and Gas Regulation Commission, CREGas well as the National Planning Department.

She has experience as a professor of Regulation and Engineering at the Industrial University of Santander, Francisco José de Caldas District University, and as a researcher in Colciencias accredited research groups at the National University of Colombia.

For his part, Juan Carlos Bedoya has a PhD and a master’s degree in electrical engineering, with a master’s degree in economics, and a Fulbright scholar. He has spent more than 17 years developing projects, researching and leading teams in the energy sector of Colombia, Central America and the US, achieving during his experience the development of models to address the use of clean generation sources. encouragement, T&D planning, regional integration, nodal markets, resilience models, transactive energy, artificial intelligence, implementation of the reliability levy auctions and market clearing systems, among others.

Adriana María Jiménez is an economist from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, with a specialization in Competition Law and Free Trade from the same university, she also has a specialization in Project Management from CEMA University and a master’s degree in Economics and Public Policy from Torcuato University Zeg Tella . He has 26 years of public policy and regulatory experience. She was an advisor to the CREG, the DNP and project consultant at PSI Consultores. He also worked in the Land Restitution Unit and in Fedepalma.

Source: El heraldo
