Success declared in terms of audience and content on the occasion of the third event of the “Innovation Cybersecurity Summit”, an event held today in the magnificent setting of Palazzo Wedekind in Rome and promoted by ANGI – National Young Innovators Association, a point of reference for innovation and digital in Italy . The appointment was created to highlight the role of innovation and cybersecurity as key elements for supporting and protecting critical areas of businesses, infrastructures and government under the digital banner. The initiative, carried out under the auspices of the European Parliament Offices in Italy and the European Commission’s Italian Representation, and garnering applause from institutions, also has an important role in cyber security issues with the strategic partnership of AIPSA, Cyber 4.0 Cyber Security Competitiveness Center, Cyber Space and Women4Cyber Italia. memorandum of understanding was announced.
At the opening of the studies, a letter sent to ANGI from Undersecretary of State Alfredo Mantovano to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Represented Authority for Security of the Republic was read. “In the face of great opportunities, cyberspace also poses increased national security risks. Therefore, it is necessary to manage investments in research and innovation in the field of cybersecurity, in line with the creation of the necessary capabilities to protect our country, while strengthening Italy’s strategic and digital autonomy.”
“Innovation and cybersecurity are two cornerstones for the development and protection of government businesses, infrastructures and critical sites. Today, we are happy to be able to emphasize the vision of investment and growth carried out in the strategic clusters of our country’s ecosystem, with the testimonies of some of the most important and authoritative voices of institutions and businesses. Highlighting the points and key issues of what will be the pillars of our cybersecurity manifesto in Italy. Special thanks to the European institutions, the Italian Parliament, the Italian Parliament, the Dis, ACN, the Armed Forces and the Provincial Police, with whom we will continue our journey by focusing on innovation and future generations with the support of Italy.” Thus, ANGI President Gabriele Ferrieri (formerly ForbesU30).
Carlo Corazza, Director of the Offices of the European Parliament, evaluated the European vision on innovation and cybersecurity and said, “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is the European Union’s age of innocence, and awareness and responsibility must begin as soon as possible. Cybersecurity is one of the main conditions for assuming this responsibility. It fits this context perfectly. As it is known, the TGNA approved various legal measures, starting with the regulation on the cyber security law.”
In order to assess the vision of public safety operators and responsible agencies, the interventions of Dis, ACN and Postal Police are of great importance. “The situation of the pandemic crisis has imposed a very rapid digitization, and thus the need to preserve a space where subjects who until recently saw this space as a niche region and today instead find themselves employable in a comparable situation to all others, have also somehow made it necessary.” other areas where fundamental rights are exercised. We must approach the protection of this area, which now belongs to everyone, with this awareness.” Namely Alessandra Guidi – Assistant General Manager DIS – Security Information Department. “The technological revolution is not fast, it is hasty. Metabolizing changes that normally occur over very long periods in human history is very complex, even at the individual level; So I think it’s been an anthropological revolution, changing our relationship with reality. Adapting to this ecosystem is no trivial matter and requires cross-commitment, not just institutionally but individually. So Nunzia Ciardi – ACN – Deputy Director of the National Cyber Security Agency. “So far we can’t talk about the economy without talking about the digitization of the economy itself or an economic-financial transaction, but our social projection on the web somehow implies that we need to be aware of the fact that the human dimension exists. one more dimension. So this includes the defense of this area, which adds to what we already know. “Cybercrime can move around $10.5 trillion at the moment, and so another component has been dropped in this scenario, such as a law enforcement structure called upon to drive prevention and countermeasure.” Namely Ivano Gabrielli – Director of the Postal Police.
The contribution of the chairmen of the Senate and Parliamentary defense committees is of great importance for the evaluation of the parliamentary vision. In particular, Senator Stefania Craxi, Chair of the Republican Senate Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, stresses in her salutation letter “how important it is to think about the dynamics of IT security and that it needs to be rethought”. it places the human infrastructure with all its cultural and educational richness. However, something else is also needed, namely the ability to infuse into our States the antibodies necessary for democratic sets, starting from the Community institutions, in order to resist the pressure of the abnormal wave and not be crushed by it. So all this means having a good policy that is like that in their choices and course of action. It also means reinvigorating the democratic system and our institutions, incorporating them, anchoring them in a changing society, in the increasingly diverse expectations of citizens.” Equally important was the contribution of House Defense Committee Chairman Antonino Minardo in his message: “Innovation Cyber The Security Summit is an initiative that does not correspond to the Association’s mission of being the first. It thrives on innovation in all its forms, but finds comfort in the need for national and international agendas to rapidly develop appropriate and ever-more stringent cyber protection mechanisms. Cyber security should be a priority in every aspect of life in our country. There are sectors like Defense, where cyberspace, along with spatial space, is now not only considered a priority, but also a real cultural paradigm shift. As Bruno Frattasi, head of the National Cyber Security Agency, recently reminded, the challenge is to foster and develop a culture of security and protection from cyber risks. “It is a danger that affects the health, transportation and finance world, as well as very important areas such as defense and security,” he said.
During the proceedings, the following authorities also intervened on behalf of institutions, public safety and the armed forces: Ettore Rosato – COPASIR Secretary, Massimo Pronio – Head of Communications for the European Commission Representation in Italy, Francesco Tufarelli – CNEL Secretary General, Lieutenant Colonel Giovanni Bottazzi – Carabinieri Telematics Security Center Head of the Air Brigade General Vincenzo Falzarano – Head of the 3rd Division of the Air Force Logistics Command and Agostino Ghiglia – Member of the Board of the Guarantor Authority for the Protection of Personal Data.
The event was also an opportunity to present the Observatory data on the state of cyber security in Italy, conducted by ANGI Ricerche in collaboration with LAB21.01. “Overall, Italians share data on basic personal information (58%); 27% data from credit cards; 12% personal identification documents and 3% personal PINs and passwords. Professor Roberto Baldassari, Managing Director of LAB21.01 and Director of the ANGI (National Union of Young Innovators) Scientific Committee, explains that compared to last year, there has been an increase in those who believe a greater investment in cybersecurity protection should be made by the Government (72% – +3% compared to 2022). ) on the other hand, those who believe that cybersecurity should already be taught as a school subject in primary education cycles are decreasing (-2% compared to 2022). Italians do not know enough about what a cyber-attack really is, and at the same time are little familiar with the technical terms, simultaneously placing “special government agencies”, demonstrating that there should be actors responsible for the issue of Cybersecurity. in first place (34%; +2% compared to 2022), followed by “Ministry of Defense” (25%; +2% compared to a year ago); “Special Centers and Observatories” are also growing (17%; +1%); “European Community” decreased (19%; -2%); “Individual companies” (3%; -2% compared to 2022) and “Private citizens” (2%; -1%). Finally, 9 out of 10 Italians do not know “Cyber Policies” and as a result the level of upfront buyers is also low (7%), young professionals already working in the IT security and personal field. very interested in data protection (67% declare an interest in purchasing a personalized professional liability insurance policy).
Finally, the testimonies of companies and regional technicians are important, including those who intervene to reveal their valuable visions: Claudio De Paoli – President of BIP CyberSec, Umberto Migliore – Partner and Chief Technical Officer Nexid & IT Governance Swag, Antonio Pisano – SVP Cyber & Information Security Leonardo, Luigi Maracino – Managing Director Atlantica Spa, Mario Nicosia – Technology Software Country Leader Italy Oracle, Matteo Lucchetti – Cyber 4.0 Director of the Cyber Security Competence Center, Selene Giupponi – AB Resecurity Inc. Managing Director and General Secretary of Women4Cyber, Fabio Romani – CEO IPS Spa, Gianni Amato – Senior Cybersecurity Consultant CERT-AgID, Umberto Saccone – EY Lead Employee and Physical Assets (EPA) – Assistant Professor of Security Risk Management LUISS Business School, Avv . Stefano Mele – Partner Gianni & Origoni – Head of Cybersecurity Law Practices and Co-Chair of Privacy Practices, Davide Panella – Head of Privacy and Data Protection Crédit Agricole, Marco Ancora – DPO ING Italy, Daniel Kasper – CEO Qualrisk Cyber Insurance Center, Nicla Ivana Diomede – Director Roma Capitale Department of Cybersecurity, Alessandro Marzi – CISO A2A, Massimo Ravenna – Head of Cybersecurity Acea Spa, Mario Caligiuri President of the Italian Intelligence Association (SOCINT), Angelo Tofalo – Director of Science Committee of the Cyber Security Italy Foundation, Giovanni Mellini – Founder Cyber Saiyan & RomHack & CISO Satispay, Robert Hassan – President of CyberArea Consortium and Alessandro Manfredini – President of AIPSA.
Source: Today IT

Roy Brown is a renowned economist and author at The Nation View. He has a deep understanding of the global economy and its intricacies. He writes about a wide range of economic topics, including monetary policy, fiscal policy, international trade, and labor markets.