Goals from Mi casa They would already increase in the PND, says Roy Barreras

The targets for providing grants for the Mi Casa Ya housing program will be increased from 108,000 to 200,000 in the National Development Plan (PND) over the four-year period, said Senate President Roy Barreras.

The MP assured that with this change, the government’s housing program can provide 50,000 grants per year and not 27,000 as projected in the PND presentation.

He assured that in this process he had discussions with the Ministry of Housing, the Colombian Chamber of Construction (Camacol) and the National Planning Department (DNP).

For its part, the Minister of Housing, Catalina Velasco, pointed out that the funds for this program will be increased thanks to the budget addition announced by President Gustavo Petro.

For example, the program’s budget, which currently stands at $1.2 trillion, will increase by $1 trillion to cover the 52,000 new grants.

“This means that the families who already have their credit and their real estate business and are ready to sign a deed in the next six months can get the Mi Casa Ya grant,” said the minister.

He stressed that these 52,000 families will be added to the 23,000 allocated in 2022, bringing a total of 75,000 grants to beneficiaries ready to complete the property closure.

The president of Camacol, Guillermo Herrera, has pointed out that 7 out of 10 units sold in the country are low-income housing (VIS), precisely in order to stop the slowdown in the sector and to quickly and efficiently address the Subsidies from Mi Casa Ya must guarantee sufficient resources.

Source: El heraldo
