New measures to combat poverty would be ready to replace the Citizenship Income, but the mere projection of some details of the government’s plan creates confusion. Daniela Barbaresi, CGIL’s confederal secretary, expresses her astonishment at the new measure, which provides for different pathways, economic amounts, treatment times and hiring, regardless of the actual state of poverty and hardship of families and those who compose them. Hardship is a choice underlying the idea of poverty as the fault of the individual, rather than a collective problem faced with a general responsibility to confront and prevent the risk of poverty and exclusion. Furthermore, the realignment of the Isee thresholds will inevitably lead to a reduction in the number of beneficiaries, as adjustment of thresholds and benefits must take into account the inflation and increase in cost of living recorded in recent months”.
New basic income
The new Citizenship Income won’t be called “Mia” as expected, but the Guaranteed Inclusion will concern about 709,000 households at a cost of just over 5.3 billion. This tool will be supported by two other interventions for active policies in the workplace: work escort service and job activation guarantee recognized for various categories of citizens.
The draft Citizenship Income reform decree includes work-related and other measures that the government is working on. While the contents that came out today summarized the system that will now be described, we would still be working on some details – from what we learned. The draft also provides for harsher penalties, such as up to 6 years in prison for misrepresentation and fraud. The text also includes other innovations in the business, from tax breaks for seasonal hiring to easing strictures for causal terms in fixed-term contracts.
Gil will replace Rdc
The government will replace the Rdc, effective January 1, 2024, with at least one person with a disability, a minor, at least 60 years old, or in receipt of civil disability benefits. The aid reaches 6,000 euros per year, ie 500 euros per month. The subsidy is integrated up to 3,360 euros (280 euros per month) as a rental contribution. Support is available for 18 months and can start for another 12 months after a one-month break.
At the end of the 7-month subsidy period foreseen for this year, the Employment escort Service has arrived for Rdc beneficiaries who have signed an employment contract and are involved in active policy measures. It can be requested from 1 September and is worth 350 euros per month. The response is estimated to cover 213,000 people from 154,000 households at a cost of 276 million euros.
The same value for the work enablement Guarantee, which is recognized for individuals aged 18 to 59 in conditions of absolute poverty, whose Isee value does not exceed 6 thousand euros (part of households that do not meet the eligibility requirements to access the Gil).
- Gil: For families with a disability, underage or over 60; 500 euros per month, to which 280 euros are added for 18 months’ rent.
- Welsh: 350 euros per month for less than 6 euros
- Pal: 350 euros per month for employable persons
intermittent subsidies
To encourage employment, the draft provides for exemption: if a permanent contract is triggered, a 100% contribution exemption is granted up to a maximum of 8,000 euros per year for two years. If the contract is fixed-term or seasonal, the contribution ‘discount’ is 50%, with a maximum of EUR 4,000 per year. The whitepaper assumes 20,000 permanent contracts and 50,000 fixed term or seasonal contracts per year. A facilitation is also provided if you open a self-employed company within the first 12 months of using the benefit.
prison for scoundrels
The government is intensifying the fight against income ‘cheats’ by imposing penalties of 1 to 3 years for those who fail to report changes in income and assets to INPS, even as a result of informal work. The prison sentence is 2 to 6 years if false documents or false information are submitted to obtain the New Inclusion Guarantee.
Other help at work
The decree also includes other measures, such as extending expansion contracts until 2025, simplifying communications for sports employers, increasing the single universal allowance only in case one parent dies and three already arriving this year. deadlines (instead of two) for the so-called early workers’ request for the retirement of Ape Sociale, the adoption of workplace safety measures and the extension of Inail protections to students, teachers and domestic workers providing training activities; an increase in tax and social security deductions for domestic employers grappling with increases for house cleaners and caregivers.
Also noteworthy is the rule, which aims to change the rigidity of the grounds for fixed-term contracts, allowing a referral to a ‘free’ condition of up to 12 months and a collective agreement for increases of up to 24 months.
Source: Today IT

Roy Brown is a renowned economist and author at The Nation View. He has a deep understanding of the global economy and its intricacies. He writes about a wide range of economic topics, including monetary policy, fiscal policy, international trade, and labor markets.