Bills: waste tax increases (and where it costs more)

It’s not just electricity and gas. Expensive bills also go for waste, with the average Tari reaching 325 euros in 2022. According to data from a survey conducted by Uil, the tax in question has increased by an average of 7.7% over the last 5 years (Italian Trade Union). Between 2021 and 2022, 65 provincial capitals increased their waste tax. But let’s go in order. The waste tax (Tari), introduced in 2014, is a tax that aims to finance the costs associated with the waste collection and disposal service and is paid by anyone who owns or owns a building or open space of any capacity that is likely to generate waste. In recent years, price increases have been quite high. UIL confederal secretary Ivana Veronese explained in absolute values ​​- Italian families paid an average of 325 euros for the waste tariff in 2022, compared to 313 euros in 2021 and 301 euros paid in 2018.

There is a ranking of the most expensive cities in Tari. The highest cost was recorded in Pisa, with an average of 519 euros per family per year. It is followed by Brindisi at 518 euros and Genoa at 489 euros. 481 Euros are spent in Benevento, 476 Euros in Messina, 475 Euros in Catania, 472 Euros in Syracuse, 471 Euros in Agrigento, 459 Euros in Taranto and 457 Euros in Trapani. The sample used by the union’s “job fit and regional service” survey, which processes costs in 107 provincial capitals, refers to a family of four with an 80 square meter house and an Isee income of 25,000 Euros.

Among the cheapest cities are Belluno at 169 euros per family per year, Novara at 174 euros, Ascoli Piceno (181 euros), Macerata (182 euros). Then again with Pordenone 186 euros, Brescia 187 euros, Trento 189 euros, Florence 194 euros, Vercelli 197 euros and Udine 204 euros. In the case of metropolitan cities, the waste tax is €489 per family per year in Genoa; 476 Euros in Messina, 475 Euros in Catania, 453 Euros in Reggio Calabria, 442 Euros in Naples, 401 Euros in Bari, 395 Euros in Cagliari, 338 Euros in Milan, 332 Euros in Venice and Palermo Euros are 331 Euros in Turin, 314 Euros in Rome, 228 Euros in Bologna and 194 Euros in Florence.

Uil data on tari costs

As for the significant price increases, according to Uil research, between 2021 and 2022 the biggest increase was recorded in Potenza: 85.9%. Fermo points +57.3%, Cosenza +42.2%, Taranto +29.9% points. Between 2021 and 2022, there was a 26.7% tax reduction in Caltanissetta, 20.2% in Florence and 17.2% in Crotone. Siena scored +15.3% and Alexandria +9.2%. In presenting the union survey, she highlights how tariffs for urban solid waste collection are weighing on household budgets, particularly in the South, as eight of the top ten cities with the highest Tari are located in this region. country

Highest raises in Tari

Source: Today IT
