This is not your phone! Instagram registers a fall in several countries

Instagram, owned by Meta Platforms, registered drop More than 98,000 users were affected on Sunday, according to crash-tracking website

down detector monitors crashes by collecting status reports from various sources, including users.

According to this site, custom reports about breaks instagram they started increasing at 15:09 and have been rising steadily ever since.

The map published by Downdetector publishes a map of the Republic of Mexico where most of the affected users are concentrated.

The metropolitan area mexico cityas well as municipalities. GuadalajaraMonterrey and Tijuana showed more users without access to this social network.

So far, Instagram has not issued a statement about the interruption of its service, and it is not known how long it will last. deactivate app.

Instagram is one of social media the most popular in the world, with over 2.350 million monthly active users.

According to Reuters

Source: Aristegui Noticias
