As part of strengthening bilateral cooperation ties linking Mexico and Canada, a meeting was held between the labor authorities of both countries with the participation of Luisa Maria Alcalde, Minister of Labor and Social Security of the Government of Mexico; Seamus O’Regan, Minister of Labor of Canada; And Alfredo Dominguez Marrufo, head of the Federal Labor Center.
At this meeting, held at the base Federal Center for Conciliation and Labor Registration (CFCRL), The Mayor’s Secretary and Minister O’Regan held a dialogue on policies to improve the dignity of work, employment and wages in Mexico, as well as the results of the reforms on subcontracting and labor justice system.
Alfredo Dominguez Marrufo, head of the Federal Labor Center, explained in Aristegui en Vivo that they visited the CFCRL facilities with Minister O’Regan to learn about the implementation work in the new labor justice system.

Photo: Photolaboratory
Marrufo specified that the deadline for registering legitimacy Collective labor agreements trade unions, 31 July. He also reported that more than 20,000 already registered in addition to the 139,000 already in the system.
However, he specified that at least 10,000 contracts were missing and 5000 requests for legitimation until the end of July.
Marrufo explained that many unions registered with the intention of buying a little more time for consultation and thus not being left without a license. However, the authorities know that several unions will not actually consult, so they are ready reject any wrong process.
Of the 15,000 pending transactions, Marrufo assures that most will not be approved, so “of course, at the end of the day there will be only 6,000” and they will have to adapt to the rules of the new model of trade union labor democracy.
Similarly, Marrufo highlighted the importance that the Federal Labor Center has played in transforming the world of work by being the body responsible for registering, verifying, ensuring certainty and legitimacy of worker participation through its personal, free, direct and secret ballot.
“Workers that the union has never seen are now able to negotiate a new collective agreement,” he said.
Marrufo assured the workers that their rights, benefits and contracts will prevail. “In the event of any pretense on the part of the employer, they must intervene and address any complaint.”
Source: Aristegui Noticias

Roy Brown is a renowned economist and author at The Nation View. He has a deep understanding of the global economy and its intricacies. He writes about a wide range of economic topics, including monetary policy, fiscal policy, international trade, and labor markets.