All bonuses of 2023: What is still available?

Bonuses for renovating the house, paying the bills, getting around the city with transport and shopping. For the year 2023, the Meloni government has made some concessions for various sectors or renewed the old ones. The list of bonuses offered for 2023 is long and in varying amounts, but there are conditions that must be met. Let’s see what the conditions are, along with the procedures for claiming all available concessions and incentives.

  • Bonuses for home remodeling in 2023
  • Shopping card: how does it work?
  • Rental bonus and house under 36
  • Transportation bonus for 2023
  • Bill payment bonuses in 2023
  • Psychologist bonus: Who can apply?

Bonuses for home remodeling in 2023

There are also several concessions to make home remodeling work in 2023. After the problems and controversies surrounding the SuperBonus, which has now been removed by the Meloni government, the most important incentive to renovate a home is the Renovation Bonus: it can be claimed until 2024 and allows you to deduct up to 50 percent of the renovation costs incurred, up to a maximum of 96,000 euros. The deduction is carried on the tax return and is spread over 10 years.

How much do building bonuses cost us?

There is also a higher probability of deduction of 75 percent, but there are strict conditions that must be met and special care must be taken to avoid undesirable problems with the Internal Revenue Service.

To these more substantial and general perks we add other more targeted perks: This is the case of air conditioners that can be installed under the same conditions as the Rebuild Bonus: 50 percent tax relief spread over 10 years of tax returns. Discounts are also provided for installing curtains, mosquito nets and “blackout covers”, but the requirements are strict and must be met or the incentive will be lost.

shopping card

The 2023 budget law provided for the introduction of a spending purchase card to allow the most economically disadvantaged consumers to purchase food products during a period of structural price increases. After months of delay, the implementing decree was finally published and operating procedures were determined.

500 million euros were allocated for 2023. The beneficiaries of the spending card, valid from 1 July 2023, are households that meet the following requirements:

  • All members are registered in the resident registry;
  • They hold an ordinary ISEE certificate (indicator of equivalent economic status) with an indicator not exceeding 15,000 euros per year.

Rental bonus and house under 36

For 2023, there are concessions not only for renting but also for buying a house. One of the tax innovations brought by the last budget law is the deduction of the rental price in the main housing contracts: it is valid for the whole or a single part of the real estate unit. Ages 20 and 31, with a total income not exceeding EUR 15,493.71, with a maximum of EUR 991.60 or 20% of the annual rent – within the limit of EUR two thousand per year.

For those under the age of 36, it will be possible to benefit from the “first house bonus under 36 years old”. This concession provides exemption from payment of certain taxes at the time of purchase, such as exemption from registration tax, cancellation of stamp duties and special cadastral taxes, and recognition of a tax credit in the case of a VAT subject purchase. . The bonus is given to those who have not yet turned 36 years old in the deed year and whose ISEE is less than 40 thousand Euros.

2023 transportation bonus

The Meloni government also extended the transportation bonus for 2023. This is a voucher that can equal 100% of the spend, but with a maximum of 60 euros per beneficiary. The coupon is used to cover a purchase made until 31 December 2023.

How to apply for the 60 euro bonus

Annual, monthly or multi-month passes are included for local public transport or national railroads. The only condition that must be met is income, which must not exceed twenty thousand euros in 2022.

Bill payment bonuses in 2023

Due to the extraordinary rise in energy prices for more than a year, the Meloni government has renewed some concessions, but only to a certain extent. Until 30 June 2023, the concessions already available in electricity supply tariffs, namely families with an ISEE below 15,000 euros, large families with at least four dependent children and social bonuses targeting ISEE at 30,000 remain. euros – and to people with serious health conditions.

However, there is one month on the calendar that needs to be looked at carefully: October. In fact, the government is aiming to introduce an incentive billing system for families next fall.

The decree provides for the bonus to be paid “in a fixed amount to all citizens with no income limit”. The period will be between October, November and December of 2023 and a bonus will be given if the daily average price of natural gas in the wholesale market exceeds a certain threshold.

Psychologist bonus: useful information

Also, in 2023, private psychologists who are regularly registered in the psychotherapist registry will be able to receive contributions from the State for psychotherapy sessions. The bonus is recognized on the basis of ISEE, but the equivalent indicator of economic status must not exceed 50 thousand euros.

The psychologist bonus has been made permanent and its maximum value has been increased to 1,500 Euros per patient. Last year, 41,657 out of 395,604 applications were accepted.

Keep reading on…

Source: Today IT
