Richer pensions in August: who will get the big check

After the July slide, which doubled in the fourteenth month, even August pensions will be more important, at least to some of the audience. In fact, INPS has completed calculations of debts in restated installments based on the changes introduced by the latest Budget law, so the adjustments for 730 of the 2023 tax return will begin in August. 23.

Pensions August 2023, all increases

The increases calculated on the new INPS tables enable a revaluation over last year’s inflation. Increases for pensioners receiving pensions less than the minimum treatment (572.74 euros per month) will equal 1.5% for the whole of 2023 from January to December, including the thirteenth month. In addition, retirees over the age of 75 who receive a minimum pension will see an increase of 6.4%, which will reach 600 euros per month. Interested retirees will also receive debits, which will be calculated with an increase of 7% for each month due. And it doesn’t end there. In August, many retirees can also benefit from working Irpef reimbursement similar to income from employment or self-employment: if the Irpef withheld is higher than the amount due, the retiree receives a reimbursement paid directly by INPS.

Payment PLAN

So when will the August pensions be paid? As always, payments begin on the first bank day of the month, excluding holidays and weekends, and the date often differs between those who receive their pension in a bank account and those who have a postal account. This will not be the case next month as everyone will be paid on Tuesday, August 1st. In addition, for those who prefer to receive the check directly from the post office, the usual calendar is now arranged in alphabetical order:

  • Tuesday, August 1, 2023: surnames A to C;
  • Wednesday, August 2, 2023: Last names from D to K;
  • Thursday, August 3, 2023: Last names from L to P;
  • Friday, August 4, 2023: Last names from Q to Z.

Finally, we remind you that retirees can look at the August receipt, which has already been published on the INPS website. To view this voucher and the voucher for previous months, simply access the area reserved with your SPID, CIE or CNS credentials. After logging in, it will be possible to check the amount of the August voucher and other information regarding social security status.

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Source: Today IT
