If it’s not a historical record, we’re close: On the A8 Milan-Varese motorway, the price of gasoline in self-service mode reached 2,722 euros per liter. This was revealed in the Oil Prices app on the morning of August 15, and the incident sparked the discussion of pump price hikes once again.
Decree doesn’t work
The government’s initiative, which obliges distributors to display national and regional average prices by a transparency decree, did not have the desired effect. Since the introduction of this measure, prices have increased even more: According to data from Italy’s Ministry of Enterprises and Mines, the average price of gasoline on the motorway on 15 August was 2,017 euros per liter, while diesel was 1,926 euros. On August 1, the day the measure was introduced, green gasoline cost an average of 1,984 euros per liter at gas stations in the country, while diesel stopped at 1,854.
Even at the regional level, average prices have increased: on 15 August the cheapest diesel was in the Marche region at 1,822 euros per litre. Fifteen days ago, the average was 1,751. For gasoline, the lowest average for August 15 was recorded in the Veneto, with 1,923 euros. It was 1,898 on the first day of the month.
Reporting to Finance
Meanwhile, Assoutenti has announced that it will present a report to Fiamme Gialle tomorrow denouncing the record price list imposed by the gas station on the A8. “We want to understand how it is possible to sell a liter of gasoline for 2,722 euros per liter in self-service mode and the reasons for such an astronomical price, well above the average of gas stations in the region,” he explains. President Furio Truzzi – Spending 136.1 euros on a full medium car is an expenditure that the Guardia di Finanza will have to explain”.
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Source: Today IT
Roy Brown is a renowned economist and author at The Nation View. He has a deep understanding of the global economy and its intricacies. He writes about a wide range of economic topics, including monetary policy, fiscal policy, international trade, and labor markets.