Roberto Colaninno died

Roberto Colaninno has died as one of the main protagonists of Italian finance and industry in recent years, from his start in 1969 at Fiaam, a Mantua-based auto parts company, to Olivetti via Telecom and the relaunch of Piaggio. He had just turned 80.

Born on August 16, 1943 in Mantua, but from an Apulian family (originally from Acquaviva delle Fonti in Bari province), Roberto Colaninno finished his career as an entrepreneur at Piaggio, a motorcycle group based in Pontedera (Pisa) and a company. It was listed on the Stock Exchange in 2006 and is now consistently close to all-time highs. The operation that made him an internationally renowned manager and entrepreneur was, first of all, the takeover of Telekom by the “Race of the Po Valley”, as partners in the operation were a group of entrepreneur-financiers from Brescia-Cremona-Mantua. Triangle led by Emilio Gnutti.

He was with De Benedetti when they introduced Olivetti into the world of information technology. He then took over Telekom, an operation that abruptly ceased in the 2000s due to disagreements with fellow shareholder Bell. His most recent professional endeavor was the relaunch of Piaggio, which he bought in 2002. A knight of labor since 2000, Colaninno then became president of the new Alitalia Sai, born in 2015 with the participation of Etihad. And left the board of directors. Alitalia in 2017. He leaves behind his wife and two sons, Matteo (entrepreneur and politician) and Michele (CEO of family finance company Immsi).

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Source: Today IT
