“The birthrate theme is absolutely essential to us, for this we will need to identify resources specifically to support families who want to have children and have more children. We will need to help these families” with three children or more. “They are not very much”, so it can be assumed that “the economic commitment is not overly burdensome”.
This was said by Maurizio Leo, Deputy Minister of Economy, speaking at the meeting in Rimini. Leo evaluated the government’s intentions. Which, as it is known, aims to bring the family to the fore. But how will large families be helped? The deputy minister did not go into too much detail, but said that in tax reform, “the family ratio hypothesis can be evaluated, we will need to consider the resources that can be put on the basis of doing so.” Prefer such interventions”.
The idea of the “family section” is an old charm from Fratelli d’Italia, but it seemed to have disappeared from the radar lately, at least until Leo’s intervention. Giorgia Meloni’s intention, already announced during the election campaign, was to redesign Irpef by introducing a mechanism that would benefit couples with children and extended families on the basis of the model currently in force in France.
A goal that will definitely be put into practice with tax reform. The government has two more years to implement the tax revolution, the general principles of which are determined by the authorization law published in the Official Gazette. But the majority does not seem to have a clear direction: while continuing to affirm that the legislator’s aim is to achieve a flat tax, the prime minister’s party seems to be raising the issue. resources to be allocated to families are in the foreground.
On tax reform, Leo said, “We want to accelerate the work” to ensure that the Prime Minister and other members of the government have a complete frame of reference for the whole maneuver, starting with income taxes, IRES and IRES. VAT”. He added that “some measures do not require resources and therefore could take effect as early as 2024”.
Help for mothers and extended families
The deputy minister then explained some of the measures the government had in mind. In particular, he said, “measures that can be implemented for businesses through forms of tax reduction” could be considered, recalling the slogan “whoever hires more pays less. Among the hypotheses, “first of all, to provide additional benefits, especially to mothers with more children, so it is quite broad.” There is a reduction of the Ires tax burden to provide more benefits to companies that hire women with families.
“If we think about the world of dependent work, on this front we are already intervening in productivity bonuses, on the basis of which income is taxed grossly, so the compensation received,” recalled the deputy minister. “Especially for the lowest income brackets, the thirteenth salary and overtime exceeding a certain amount can be interfered with”. There are also fringe benefits: “When families are paid, they will have more resources and the entrepreneur” can drop their shares.
Salvini: “Confirm the reduction in the tax wedge for 2024”
And taxation, but shifting the discussion to year-end budget law, Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini also spoke today. “As the majority – said the Northern League – we will decide in absolute agreement what the initial goal of this economic maneuver is to prioritize salary and pension hikes with the cut in the tax wedge confirmed for all of 2024”.
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Source: Today IT
Roy Brown is a renowned economist and author at The Nation View. He has a deep understanding of the global economy and its intricacies. He writes about a wide range of economic topics, including monetary policy, fiscal policy, international trade, and labor markets.