The Turow Mine. “We fought for three years and we will continue to do so”

For three years we fought for the operation of the Turów mine and we will continue to do so – said Wojciech Dąbrowski, president of PGE.

The provincial administrative court has suspended proceedings regarding complaints from German, Czech and Polish environmental organizations and the city of Zittau, which questioned the environmental decision for the Turów mine. The reason for the suspension of the procedure was procedural issues related to the final completion of the procedure for amending the Environmental Act. So far, the Turów mine has allocated as much as PLN 42 million for the implementation of the provisions of the environmental decree.

– The Turów mine and power plant will remain one of the main sources of energy in Poland for the next 20 years. Therefore, from the very beginning, we did not recognize the legitimacy of any accusations against the environmental decision of the Turów mine. During the efforts to obtain the environmental decision, the Turów mine has worked intensively with the Czech and German parties on the environmental impact statement, said Dąbrowski.

PGE Chairman: We will keep fighting

– So far, the Turów mine has allocated as much as PLN 42 million for the implementation of its facilities, resulting in a number of pro-ecological investments that have a positive impact on the state of the natural environment in the Tripoint area of Poland, Czech Republic and Germany. For three years we fought for the operation of the Turów mine and we will continue to do so, because the Turów complex is an important element of our energy security – stressed the president of Polska Grupa Energetyczna.

As part of reaching agreement on the content of the report, numerous meetings were held with the Czech and German parties, including with the participation of residents of border regions. Both the Czech Republic and Germany have agreed to certain measures and investments to minimize the impact of the Turów mine on nearby areas, signing protocols on cross-border arrangements in 2019. The conditions from the transboundary protocols have been transferred to the environmental decree.

Environmentally friendly investments under the Turów Mine Environmental Decree are carried out in various areas such as water protection, noise protection, air protection, land reclamation and modern technologies for environmental protection.

Among the activities of the mine carried out under the environmental decree, the following can be indicated: construction of an underground anti-filtration screen, the tests of which have already proven to be fully effective, anti-noise and anti-dust screens, replacement of rollers on conveyors through low-noise modern water, noise and air monitoring systems, street irrigation systems, housings for critical conveyors and a transfer station, as well as numerous organizational measures to reduce dust and noise.

Turów is responsible for 8 percent. domestic energy production

The Turów complex is an important part of the national energy system. It is responsible for about 8 percent. domestic energy production, which means that electricity from Turów flows to almost every tenth Polish outlet. The Turów Mine and Power Plant are also the largest employers in the region. The operation of the Turów complex, together with its subsidiaries, covers almost 5,000 m². direct employment and at the same time an income for a large number of families throughout Lower Silesia.

Employment directly in the mining and power plant, in subsidiaries and cooperating entities provides a stable livelihood of about 60-80 thousand people. people, including employees’ families. The energy complex in Turów ensures a stable energy supply to the Polish energy system, especially at times when the energy in the system is most needed, by producing it from domestic, local raw materials.

Source: Do Rzeczy
