Bonus of up to one thousand euros as income support that can be claimed from today

This is one of the least known economic contributions, but one of the most beneficial for those who have lost their jobs. Starting today, Friday, September 1, the telematics helpdesk is operational to submit the income support (Sar) application for 2023. Let’s see in detail what this is all about, which categories of workers can apply for subsidies and all the necessary conditions. “Bonus Sar”, distributed by the temporary workers’ training fund (Forma.Temp), targets the unemployed who have left their jobs on a fixed-term or permanent temporary contract. This is a one-time contribution (you only receive it once) and its amount depends on the professional category of the applicant: the amount ranges from a minimum of 780 euros to a maximum of 1,000 euros gross.

To document mandatory requirements, the Forma.Temp desk will evaluate the number of days actually worked, which the potential beneficiary can calculate from the payroll under the item “termination date”. Conditions to be fulfilled for the SAR bonus include being unemployed in the last twelve months, being unemployed for at least 45 days, and having 110 days of temporary work. Alternatively, you must have been unemployed for 45 days and have completed the “in the absence of job opportunities” procedure according to Article 25 of the national collective bargaining agreement, Employment Agencies. Starting from the last business day, those who have been unemployed for at least 45 days and who have accrued 90 business days in the last year can also claim bonuses.

Registering on Forma.Temp’s “FTWeb” platform is the first step to submitting the Sar bonus claim form. Documents required in the application include tax code, copies of payroll, INPS social security statement, and certificates of illness, birth or accident. As an alternative to the telematics method to apply for access to the SAR 2023 bonus, applicants can contact the union offices of Falsa Cisl, Nidil Cgil and UilTemp. The application can be made between the 106th and 173rd days following the last temporary employment relationship.

However, if the worker signs a new employment contract with a duration equal to or less than one contribution week, even if it is not temporary, the calculation of the days useful for fulfilling the unemployment day requirement is suspended.

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Source: Today IT
