“Economic Prime Minister”. The German press on Poland’s economic progress

An interesting text about Poland was published by the German “Die Welt” – “Welt am Sonntag”. He points out that Poland has surpassed Germany in several areas.

The authors of the text, Carolina Drueten and Philipp Fritz, question whether the statement about Poland’s backward economy is really correct. According to them, “two decades after the enlargement of the European Union to the East, prejudices against countries such as Poland and Slovenia still exist.”

Political scientist Ulrich Sedelmeier of the London School of Economics estimates that the countries that joined the European Union after 2004 have overtaken Western Europe in many areas and surpassed the ‘old’ members, including Germany, in many areas.

No longer “Polish Wirtschaft”

The authors of the analysis came to the conclusion that the times when the phrase “polnische Wirtschaft” had negative connotations are long gone and that Poland is seen as a developing “economic leader”. They point to the education system as an important part of this promotion. In the category of reading comprehension, mathematics and science, Polish students are “above average strong” – writes “WamS”. To justify this thesis, the authors cite the results of the 2018 PISA study, in which Polish students took second place in these three categories – behind Estonia and ahead of Germany.

At the same time, Drueten and Fritz point out that many observers are concerned about the limitation of the independence of the judiciary and the problems with the rule of law. On what basis do they say that? The current government is in constant conflict with the European Commission and the Court of Justice of the EU, which they say prevented Poland from receiving a loan from Brussels. It is about KPO, ie debt under the Fund for the Reconstruction of Economies after the coronavirus ‘pandemic’.

Source: Do Rzeczy
