What will change in electricity and natural gas bills after September 30?

Bill warning: Aid approved by the government at the end of June to deal with high energy costs, a series of concessions that led to significant savings in electricity and gas bills, will expire at the end of September. If the measures introduced by the Bollette bis decree are not extended, there will be nasty surprises for Italians, who have been grappling with increases in food, school and insurance prices since October.

The concessions are related to zero general charges on the gas bill, reduction of VAT on gas to 5% for civil and industrial uses, social bonuses and discounts for families in distress. For families living in economic and physical hardship, the increase in the social bonus bill and the reduction in the bill (up to 15,000 Euros for users with ISEE or up to 30,000 Euros for families with more than four children) are confirmed for another year. Three months at the end of June, hence until September 30. From October on, many Italians will find themselves paying a higher bill if the administration does not intervene. At the moment, it is not yet known what the government will decide to do, whether it will renew the aid after 30 September. It is also evident that gas prices have fallen significantly and have reduced the urgency of interventions.

If the prices increase again in October, families will be given a heating bonus according to the criteria determined by the decree of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security, MEF, the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Finance. Finance. If prices fall below certain thresholds, the executive may decide not to extend the concessions, as the decree law issued at the end of June costs 800m euros. If the manager wants to refinance it, he’ll have to find just as much.

Electricity and gas bills: Isee’s discount thresholds

By the Bollette bis decree, the government approved at the end of June the extension of the increased social bonus for reductions in electricity and gas bills for less affluent families with an ISEE of up to 15,000 euros until September 30, 2023. The Isee threshold for large families (with at least 4 children) to access the social bonus has been approved until 31 December 2023, which has increased from 20,000 euros to 30,000 euros since 1 April. We remind you that from January 1, 2021, electricity, gas and water social bonuses for economic hardship will be automatically awarded to eligible citizens/households. In order to activate the procedure of automatic recognition of social bonuses, it is necessary and sufficient for beneficiaries to submit a single self-declaration (Dsu) each year and receive a certificate from Isee within the threshold of access to bonuses.

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Source: Today IT
