Industry, the sector that increased employment in the country the most in August

This is confirmed by a report from the Office of Economic Studies Ministry of Commercebased on figures from Dannywhich notes that the manufacturing industry was the sector that increased national employment the most in the month of Augustgood for 206 thousand new jobs, for a total of 2.44 million.

The data in this report further shows that the accommodation and food services went from 1.51 million employees in August 2022 to 1.68 million in the same month of 2023, reflecting an increase of 167 thousand new employees in these activities.

According to the report, 17% of the occupation of the country originated in the automotive trade and repair sector; followed by agriculture, with 14.3% of the total; the manufacturing sector, which generated 10.6% of employment, while 7.3% was in housing and healthcare. meal.

Source: El heraldo
