Starting today, Sunday, October 1, and until December 31, 2023, the prices of some basic needs will be blocked or discounted in supermarkets, shops and pharmacies across Italy participating in the government-backed initiative. The campaign is called the “Anti-Inflation Pact” and will serve to fight inflation “in order to promote the control of prices and protect the purchasing power of consumers, especially families” (we quote from the Ministry of Commerce’s website). “We will eliminate inflationary pressure and prevent it from becoming structural.”
Therefore, starting from today, it will be possible to purchase pasta, UHT milk, biscuits, eggs, diapers, oil and soaps at controlled prices in some stores. Also products for home and personal care. Therefore, it is not just about food products. But each of the companies participating in the initiative can independently choose which products to offer at a “discount” price. In fact, it is written in the protocol that “it is determined by each distribution company based on the concrete support of the companies in their supply chains”, taking into account the “basket in which controlled prices will be applied” in the quarter. To include as many basic food items as possible, excluding alcohol.”
Businesses and companies participating in the initiative can be recognized by displaying a sticker with the colors of the Italian flag and the words “anti-inflation quarter”. The logo can also be used in companies’ communication channels with the public.
The government announced that “the main players in the supply chain, from modern and classical distribution to cooperatives, pharmacies, pharmacies, the world of industry, production, crafts and agriculture” have joined the “anti-inflation pact”.
The following can be expected when choosing a product:
- Fixed prices;
- Promotions;
- Private label product initiatives;
- Cars at a discount or single price.
The discounted product quarter begins on October 1 and ends on December 31, 2023.
Where to find discounted products: participating brands
The following brands are taking part in the initiative, including several supermarket chains:
- Federdistribution;
- Cooper;
- Conad;
- Confcommercio;
- Fiesa;
- Confirm;
- Conoperative;
- Federfarma;
- United Pharmacies;
- Assofarm;
- FederFarDis;
- Culpi;
- National Federation of Italian Parapharmacists;
- Unaftisp;
- Mnlf.
17 associations representing the food and non-food industry, the agri-food cooperative sector, agriculture, processing and craft sectors also participated in the initiative:
- Brand Center;
- Ibc (Industrial Goods and Consumption), Federlimentare, Union Alimentari Confapi, Unionfood, Cna Nazionale, Confartigianato, Casartigiani, Assogiocattoli, Confimi Industria, Confcooperative-Fedagripesca, Legacoop agroalimentare, Coldiretti, Filiera Italia, Confagricoltura, Copagri, Cia – Italian farmers.
You can access the list of stores and sales points participating in the initiative across the country, organized by province, from this link. To facilitate consultation, each province’s list is sorted by municipality and reference postcode. Lists are constantly updated with additions and new memberships.
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Source: Today IT

Roy Brown is a renowned economist and author at The Nation View. He has a deep understanding of the global economy and its intricacies. He writes about a wide range of economic topics, including monetary policy, fiscal policy, international trade, and labor markets.