Important announcement from the Prime Minister. “In four years the average salary will be PLN 10,000”

During the PiS convention in Katowice, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki noted that the current government has “restored dignity to the labor market.”

An electoral conference on Law and Justice was organized in Katowice on Sunday. The most important PiS politicians appeared at the event: party chairman Jarosław Kaczyński, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Chairman of the Sejm Elżbieta Witek.

– The labor market under PO consists of 2.3 million people without jobs. This is Poland without prospects, this is Poland as a kingdom of waste. We do not want such a Poland, said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. According to him, dignity was restored to the labor market during the PiS government.

Higher hourly rate and rising average salary

The head of government compared the situation on the labor market during the PO-PSL and PiS governments. – The labor market for PO is 2 million 300 thousand. people without work. That is more than 2 million people with a junk contract. Work for PLN 4 or 5 per hour. That is more than 2 million people who have been forced to emigrate to provide for their livelihood. This is Poland as the kingdom of garbage. This is Poland without prospects, an assembly plant and cheap labor. We do not want such a Poland, the Prime Minister emphasized.

The politician listed the successes of the PiS government in the labor market. – The minimum hourly rate is PLN 23, and in a few months it will be PLN 28 per hour. This is an average salary of over 7,000 PLN. PLN, and we keep our promise for years to come. In four years there will be at least 10,000. PLN average salary in the Polish economy. This is a civilized labor market, this is the lowest unemployment in the history of the Third Polish Republic. This is the second lowest unemployment rate in the EU. These are the achievements of the PiS government, he said.

According to Prime Minister Morawiecki, PO allowed Poland to be robbed. – They allowed VAT mafias, scammers, criminals (…), mafias to graze and roam like the wind in wild fields – said the head of government during the convention.

Morawiecki showed “Tusk’s suitcase”.

After taking the stage, the Prime Minister showed off a briefcase of documents, which he called “Tusk’s briefcase.” – I brought Donald Tusk’s suitcase. The documents collected there speak about the real intentions of the Civic Platform. This file contains numerous documents confirming their intention to admit illegal immigrants. This is the PO’s remorse and a warning against what they want to do to the Poles, the head of government said.

Morawiecki assured that the file contained evidence that PO was preparing places for thousands of illegal immigrants. – In recent days, Tusk’s party in the EU has demanded that the migration pact be implemented as quickly as possible, which would mean accepting illegal immigrants or paying huge sums if they do not accept them. The scales fell from his eyes, that’s the proof. Tusk wants to cause a wave of immigration, he said.

Source: Do Rzeczy
