Poste Italiane has reopened the selection for letter carriers: The new postmen will be deployed in different regions of Italy depending on the company’s needs. Poste Italiane is actually looking for postmen nationwide. But there is very little time left: To apply, you must submit your application by Thursday, October 5, via the “Work with us” section of the website (link here). There is demand for postmen in the upcoming autumn: postmen are needed all over Italy, with 3-4 months of recruitment and salaries around 1,200 euros net per month.
Poste Italiane is looking for new postmen with diplomas immediately
Requirements? It is required to have a high school diploma with a score of at least 70/100 or a university diploma with a score of at least 102/110. No special knowledge is required. The contract is for a fixed period. You must also have a valid driver’s license suitable for driving company vehicles and a bilingual driver’s license for the province of Bolzano only.
Identified candidates will be sent an email to administer the selection test (logical reasoning). Those who pass the first selection stage (aptitude test) can be contacted by the Italian Post Office for a fitness test to drive a motor vehicle (which will be carried out in a 125 cc vehicle with a fully loaded post). An interview appeared.
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Source: Today IT

Roy Brown is a renowned economist and author at The Nation View. He has a deep understanding of the global economy and its intricacies. He writes about a wide range of economic topics, including monetary policy, fiscal policy, international trade, and labor markets.