ZCS People Event, two days dedicated to Innovation in Human Resources

Over 200 HR and Digital Transformation experts from all over Italy gathered at a welcoming resort on the Tuscan coast on 29 and 30 September for a special event dedicated to innovations in the field of HR technologies and services.

This appointment marked the beginning of the activities of ZCS People, the Leading Zucchetti HR Competence Center in Italy, consisting of the companies Zucchetti Centro System, HRZ, Alpha System and HR Sud, united under a strong corporate roof. synergy and sharing an ambitious project: placing human capital at the center of company growth.

With more than 200 cross-skilled experts distributed in 13 offices in 9 regions of Italy, ZCS People aims to offer digital solutions, services and projects to Italian companies of all areas, sizes and sectors in managing HR resources and innovating relations with personnel. .

The purpose of the meeting was to make all members aware of the power of the group, to introduce its features, to convey its strengths and points of unity, to strengthen existing synergies and to introduce synergies to be established.

Mayor Cav opened the works. Fabrizio Bernini, who charts the path of ZCS People with his long-term vision. “Four companies with a different history and path, with many “human” excellences, sharing the same vision and aiming for the same growth goal,” and then immediately declared: “All of them fully respect the autonomy and full responsibility of employees’ roles.” “The group’s individual assets enable it to maintain capillarity across the region and maintain speed to meet the increasingly specific needs of the customer.”

His speech also included a moving and touching memory of the recently deceased Mino Zucchetti, founder of Zucchetti SpA, with whom he had a deep and mutual respect, and his gratitude for believing in their first project and sharing the value. Using innovation as a pillar of business development.

An important message of support and appreciation for knowing how to network also came from the Zucchetti parent company, represented by Paolo Susani, Commercial Director of Zucchetti spa. “In an increasingly competitive, highly specialized and, above all, increasingly knowledgeable and selective scenario, it is necessary to create valuable alliances within and outside the organization with the aim of maximizing the potential of the group not only with practices but also with skills. increased business opportunities and customer satisfaction”.

Zucchetti Innovation Manager Luca Stella also spoke and announced an important project: “The final frontier of our continuous innovation is a service in the field of HR Fintech that will revolutionize and designed together with a well-known player in the financial services sector. company-employee relationship”.

Highlights of the event included the participation of distinguished guests who shared their experiences in the field of human resources and innovation. Especially for Lamborghini, the presence of Ferrarotto brought an interesting perspective to the development of HR strategies.

Business managers of the companies that make up ZCS People exchanged views at the round table meeting.

Arianna Sacchetti Zucchetti Centro System Software Division Manager “Every day, we live with innovation and contamination with other company divisions, turning technology into “health” for our collaborators and customers”.

Simone Uggeri, CEO of HRZ: “Increasingly personalized and people-friendly services, this is what the market has been asking from us for some time now, and this is why we are organizing our structure and training our employees”

He is followed by Alpha System CEO Francesco Bonaventura: “We were born experts in the world of payroll, we have honed our HR skills over the years and today we are increasingly involved in vertical projects for our clients”

Antonio Martellone, CEO of HR Sud: “We represent the southernmost spirit of the ZCS People group. “The South’s entrepreneurial system is placing greater emphasis on HR issues and processes than ever before, and we are ready to support them in this groundbreaking transition.”

A mix of conviviality, training and team building in the group’s various functional areas over two days spent with tremendous general enthusiasm on the Tuscan coast.

Uniqueness, planning, speed, synergy; These are values ​​emphasized by group managers, who believe that collaboration and the ability to share experience and skills can represent the distinctive character of ZCS People.

Source: Today IT
