The reindustrialization program affects 4,000 micro and small businesses

The new cycle of the program opened three months ago and has more than 1,500 registered companies. To start, specialized technical assistance is offered in nine service lines, now with an emphasis on sustainability.

“In this government we are setting the most ambitious goal since its founding: improve the productivity of 3,000 companies between 2023 and 2024with an investment of 63.230 million pesos, adding resources from the national government, from 56 Chambers of Commerce, Confecámaras and the compensation funds Compensar and Comfama; all with a focus on sustainability. Unlike previous cycles, in 2023 we managed to increase the contribution of allies by a factor of 2.7,” he said. Aurelio Mejía, manager of Colombia Productiva.

Companies participating in Productivity and Sustainability Factories improve the performance of their employees (labor productivity) by more than 22%, increase their customer base by 25% thanks to the offer of better products and services, and reduce non-compliant products by 51%. Thanks to the quality, CO2 emissions are reduced by 46 tons per year and raw material consumption is reduced by 21%, and thus also costs.

There is more demand for small productive units

In the coming weeks, the new ‘EnChain, Better Suppliers’ strategy will be launched, which is designed to help SMEs improve their supplier conditions to anchor businesses and become part of value chains.

An asset co-financing initiative aimed at supporting MSMEs in mitigating the impacts of climate change, called ‘Sustainable production bets’, will also be offered, the Commerce Ministry said.

Furthermore, the new program ‘Local mini chains’ will help small agro-industrial production units of victims of the conflict to improve their marketing capabilities and effective connections with other businesses, and a special program will be launched to co-finance sustainable productive projects in the cannabis industry.

Source: El heraldo
