I have instructed Minister Robert Telus to draw up an action plan regarding compensation for the losses suffered by farmers, said Mateusz Morawiecki.
The Prime Minister visited Sarnowo-Góry (Mazovia Voivodeship) on Wednesday. At the press conference, Mateusz Morawiecki emphasized that the Law and Justice government “has never abandoned farmers.”
– The countryside was forgotten and neglected, pushed into a corner, and today we are trying to rebuild the value of the Polish countryside and the comfort of life. We have transferred the huge amounts of money received from the VAT mafia to the rural areas, the politician said.
The head of government emphasized that life in rural areas and rural areas should be of a high standard. – The high quality of life, the comfort of access to various public institutions, the municipal office, the hospital, the school and friends should be at the same level as in the cities. And we do that, he assured.
Compensations for farmers
– Due to the particularly warm September, cauliflowers and broccoli started to ripen very quickly and there is a problem with collecting them. I have instructed the Minister of Agriculture, Robert Telus, to prepare a program of activities related to this. Where we have influence, we will act to compensate farmers for their losses, the Prime Minister said.
– There are always problems, and the state is there to help solve them. We tried to find answers to all these crises that affected the whole of Poland. We have never left farmers alone, he added.
– The Polish state is acting, but we have no influence on weather conditions or what Russia will do towards Ukraine, what next crisis it will cause – said Mateusz Morawiecki. He drew attention to the actions of the government, such as: the resolution on the extension of the embargo on the import of Ukrainian grain, subsidies for agricultural fuel, subsidies for fertilizers, subsidies for farmers to sell grain, aid in connection with drought, financial support for rural development Women’s Circles.
Source: Do Rzeczy

Roy Brown is a renowned economist and author at The Nation View. He has a deep understanding of the global economy and its intricacies. He writes about a wide range of economic topics, including monetary policy, fiscal policy, international trade, and labor markets.